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Is Avro-Canada VZ-9 Avrocar actually so innocent as it looks?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

I have many times written about Avro's flying saucer VZ-9 Avrocar and today strange idea came to my mind. This is the question, why this Avrocar is shaped of the saucer? The answer could be less innocent than some STEALTH-helicopter or VTOL-aircraft. Of course, the saucer shape aircraft can be STEALTH and silent, but the round shape makes one very special thing possible. If the saucer-shaped aircraft would equip with the flat wheel, what rotates around the outer layer, could that aircraft use a very powerful centrifuge gun, that system can have extremely high-speed ammunition. This centrifuge gun can be connected straight to the turbine, what would carry this flying saucer in the air.

The speed of the turbine wheel is extremely high, and the ball-shaped ammunition can be delivered to the centrifuge-layer very easily. This system can shoot very fast in any direction because there can have the vertical wheel, what can be turned to the direction, where the pilot wants to shoot that cannon. This wheel is involved with the small hole, where the ammunition would be delivered to the air. This system could make this VTOL-aircraft very deadly.

And the centrifuge-gun would not make any sound. In some cases, the engineers have tested the centrifuge-gun, where the layer would be laying on the liquid like quicksilver, and the layer would rotate with magnets. That would make the silent and powerful gun. Also in some tests, this layer would be rotated by rockets or even bicycle, and this would make possible to create very effective assassination weapon to CIA and SOCOM. The centrifuge rifle is not very well noticed and in some cases, the civilian shaped patrol boat radar is equipped with centrifuge gun, and the extremely fast rotating wings would cause that the small metal balls would get deadly speed from that device. That would give those vehicles unseen, but deadly firepower.

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