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Metamaterials and AI-driven processes have no limits in material research.

"ChemCrow revolutionizes chemical research by integrating advanced AI with specialized tools, enabling efficient synthesis planning and execution. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, ChemCrow: The Next Frontier in AI-Driven Chemical Synthesis) New metamaterials can make reflection-free surfaces. And they can also make new nanorobots possible. The waving materials can deny the soundwave. Maybe electromagnetic reflection from the surface. The waving movement makes it possible to create surfaces that pull all pressure or soundwaves into them.  The waving metamaterial can also make new ultra-accurate loudspeakers possible. The new molecular machines require some systems, that make them move in the right direction. The new metamaterials can also oscillate and create nanobubbles in the right locations. That can close blood vessels and destroy tumor cells.  Those waving structures can also used in swimming nanomachines that move like snakes or eels. That material can also make
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