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Cicada 3301 the mystery in the Net.

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The most untypical thing on the Internet is Cicada 3301, some secret community, what delivers QR-codes around the world. Those physical papers, where is the code is telling that this is some kind of community, and there is a possibility, that those QR-codes allow tracking the mobile telephones.  Sometimes I have thought that if some single person has enough money and time, there is a possibility, that Cicada 3301 is made by the one single person.

The word "Cicada" is locating the origin of this group to somewhere, where is Spanish or Portuguese speaking persons, and some people claim that the butterfly, what is in the mark is the deaths-head hawk moth, what difference with cicada is the form of skull in the back, This bu is known from the movie "The Silence of the Lambs", what tells horrifying story about the serial killer. The reason, why they claim that is when you see the film in the YouTube the arrow symbol would be in the same place where the skull is in the back of the deaths-head hawk moth, but this can be only coincidence.

The access to that group is behind the test, where the candidate must solve some problems, where is needed the knowledge about Mayan numerology, astronomy, religion, painting, and Cryptology. The purpose of this mystical thing is not ever mentioned. But behind that is claimed to be the NSA, some other intelligence services, police like FBI or even the South American drug cartels are claimed to be behind this thing, and the last one is claimed to be interested about the persons, who can do some tricks with the numbers for money laundry.

The intelligence services are claimed to use this test as the recruiting process for selecting the persons, who have skills to create the new kind of Cryptological solutions. The number 3301 is the prime number, so that can mean this group has some kind of connections with the Cryptology. But this might be only the coincidence. Maybe this group would be looking for very highly intelligent persons for creating the new type of Mensa in that organization.


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