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Metamaterials and AI-driven processes have no limits in material research.

"ChemCrow revolutionizes chemical research by integrating advanced AI with specialized tools, enabling efficient synthesis planning and execution. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, ChemCrow: The Next Frontier in AI-Driven Chemical Synthesis) New metamaterials can make reflection-free surfaces. And they can also make new nanorobots possible. The waving materials can deny the soundwave. Maybe electromagnetic reflection from the surface. The waving movement makes it possible to create surfaces that pull all pressure or soundwaves into them.  The waving metamaterial can also make new ultra-accurate loudspeakers possible. The new molecular machines require some systems, that make them move in the right direction. The new metamaterials can also oscillate and create nanobubbles in the right locations. That can close blood vessels and destroy tumor cells.  Those waving structures can also used in swimming nanomachines that move like snakes or eels. That material can also make

The new way to detect dark matter

"Physicists at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are exploring a new method to detect dark matter using quantum devices, focusing on a lesser-known form called thermalized dark matter. Their approach involves utilizing quantum sensors, traditionally disrupted by unexplained energy intrusions, to potentially detect dark matter’s subtle energy impacts. This innovative research leverages the unique capabilities of quantum technology to potentially solve the long-standing mystery of dark matter detection. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Propose New Way To Search for Dark Matter) Do dark matter particles impact material so often that sensors don't separate individual impacts? If the dark matter energy level is lower than the material. The impact is hard to detect. If the particle's energy form is different from what researchers think it's hard to detect. It's possible. That the particle travels slowly in space.  But it spins very fast the par

Can the universe be reborn even if it's open?

When the universe turns old and cold it returns to a stable and well-ordered system. In well-ordered systems, the butterfly flap can form a hurricane. The idea of the model where the universe can born again is that there forms some kind of whirl in that extremely low-energy and well-ordered universe.  Some cosmic explosions can form a whirl that force will grow and grow. In the modern universe. The disturbance or outcoming energy destroys the whirl. The black holes are like clouds. And they form networks. When a black hole vaporizes, it sends impacting gravitational waves. And because there are many black holes in the 3D structure. They form a network of impacting gravitational waves.  But in the old universe where there are no stars is possible that outside energy cannot push or break the whirl that harvests more and more superstrings in it. The only energy is gravitational waves. And photon bursts from kilonovas and vaporize black holes.  "The local geometry of the universe is d

Lonely civilizations face the dominant lion's problem.

 Lonely civilizations face the dominant lion's problem.  M.C Escher's "Another World" Lone civilization on the lone planet faces the dominant lion's problem. If on some planet is one intelligent species, it turns to dominate quite easily. Without the outside threat species can fall into internal disagreements. The size of the population grows too fast, and that means species will eat everything from their planet. A fast-growing population causes the need to create new solutions fast. Those solutions involve housing and energy solutions that are not analyzed as they should.  Those quick solutions will just push the problem to the future, and same way those inadequate ones seem very effective. And when they escalate through the entire planet. They grow the problems that they cause to enormous scale. Those things are solutions that seem good in a short period. But in a long period, they cause more problems than they solve.  The main problem with the brain in a vat th

The acoustic and EM systems can make a revolution in aircraft technology.

The fact is that the UFOs are easier to make than we ever imagined. It's possible to use acoustic waves to make the system levitate. The idea is simple. The acoustic system just pushes particles or air molecules from around the object. And that thing makes those objects hover above the ground.  The sonic bubble around the craft can make the acoustic or lightweight, pressure version of the WARP bubble around the craft. The acoustic bubble pushes the air molecules away from the craft. And that allows it to move faster than normal aircraft. The acoustic systems can give a normal-looking aircraft the hypersonic capacity.  The system can use nano-diamonds. They are trapped in the fullerene carbon net to make sound waves or acoustic waves. The craft can move by changing the symmetry of those sound waves. And that system can make many things. That people see in the UFO (or UAP) cases possible.  The antimatter and levitation.  The antimatter itself doesn't levitate. The antimatter levi

Can a photon's mass explain the dark matter?

A dark matter particle or weakly interacting massive particle WIMP may follow all particles. And there is the possibility that those particles are lighter versions of the Kubelblitz black holes. In this text, I call the WIMP the Kugelblitz structure. The Kulgelblitz structure is a lighter version of the Kugelblitz black holes. Those hypothetical Kugelblitz black holes can be those quantum-size black holes. The lifetime of those particles could be less than a second before they vaporize. And that could connect WIMPs to those structures.  Dark energy is wave movement that the source is unknown. So could that source be the quantum-size Kugelblitz black hole? The same phenomenon that creates the Kugelblitz black holes can create lighter structures. We can call as kugelblitz-structures. The quantum-size black holes can form a quasiparticle called super exciton.  Exciton is the situation where an electron starts to orbit an electron-hole. If an electron can start to orbit the quantum-size bl

Researchers at MIT developed an AI that can predict human behavior. (Can this mean that we turn Isaac Asimov's psychohistory into reality? )

    Can this mean that we turn Isaac Asimov's psychohistory into reality?  The idea is similar to the mathematical psychohistory that novelist Isaac Asimov created for his fictional "Foundation" novel series. The idea is that the computer can predict people's behavior by benefiting Boltzmann's natural gas formulas created by Ludwig Boltzmann.  If we connect MIT's AI model to the systems that handle things like oil molecule behavior in that model the humans would be molecules for the system. And the system must only know which part of people acts following the same rules.  So if the AI can predict some person's behavior, it can predict the entire nation's behavior. The system must just make the data matrix of all individuals. And then see how most of the people will behave. The system is simple, but it requires lots of information.  The idea is to use the statistics about the behavior of the people. Then the system can use those statistics. Or databases

The 6G communication can use terahertz radiation.

"Tohoku University researchers have developed a tunable filter for terahertz wave signals, facilitating higher transmission rates and improved signal quality. This breakthrough, crucial for the advancement of terahertz applications in communication, medical imaging, and industrial analysis, promises to unlock the full potential of terahertz waves across various fields." (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Future of 6G: A New Breakthrough in Terahertz Communication) The world is going to be mobile. And that means there is always a need for new and faster mobile networks. The problem with data networks is that even if 4G and 5G are fast. Mobile applications always turn harder and harder. More and more mobile applications like cell phones connect to mobile networks. And that thing increases the need for data transportation capacity.  In the future, all TV sets and even houses use wireless data transmission because data cables are expensive. It's cheaper and easier to install long-r

The molecules offer new ways to create data security.

"Image depicting the control of polariton particles using electric-field tip-enhanced strong coupling spectroscopy. Credit: POSTECH" (ScitechDaily, Light-Matter Particle Breakthrough Could Change Displays Forever). The system can use the same method to create qubits.  Light-particle interaction that can change displays forever can also make it possible to unlock a new way to create qubits. The system can make it possible to trap things like electrons between two layers. And then. The system can create the quantum entanglement between those electrons or maybe even atoms.  The superposition between atoms is possible if the system can make a very accurate superposition between those atom's quantum fields. Or the system must just descramble information that it transports between atoms.  In this image, you can see the energy hills and the system can make quantum entanglement between those hills.  Holographic displays. That creates hovering holograms over them those holograms c

The new methods can make compact GWD (Gravitational Wave Detectors) possible.

"The Kerr-enhanced optical spring method enhances gravitational wave detection, offering new insights into cosmic phenomena and neutron star structures. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Unlocking the Universe: Kerr-Enhanced Optical Springs for Next-Gen Gravitational Wave Detectors) The next-generation gravity wave detectors can be more sensitive and compact than ever imagined. In some scenarios, the nano-size mirrors with as high a reflection as possible can create an optical structure. Where the laser ray's length is thousands of kilometers. This thing is quite hard to make.  If researchers create that structure using mirrors that reflect 100%. The system can detect the brightness of laser rays. And when the gravity wave hits those laser rays, it changes their brightness.  But the other thing is what if researchers can stretch light? In stretching light the length of the light surface is big. And that makes it possible to create a system. That can detect gravity

Two new leaps in the quantum world might be bigger advances. Than we ever thought.

"New research demonstrates control over quantum states that could revolutionize energy efficiency in electronics and advance quantum computing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Control Unlocked: Creating Resistance-Free Electron Channels) Researchers removed resistance from electron channels. That means electrons can travel without resistance. And this is an advance in long-range quantum communication. Quantum computers can benefit from these non-resistant electron channels  In the quantum computer's internal data transportation. The long-range quantum communication in qubit form requires that there is no resistance. Resistance is the thing that destroys data in the qubit.  And the thing. What makes quantum communication secure is that. The system packs data into the physical thing like electrons. The problem is that the system must keep information in the electron. Resistance will destroy that information. So this is why the resistance must removed. And r

Curved terahertz radiation can offer a new communication tool.

"A breakthrough in wireless communication shows potential for terahertz waves to curve around obstacles, enhancing connectivity and paving the way for advanced network technologies. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, How Curved Terahertz Waves Could Revolutionize Wireless Communication) Terahertz radiation is a tool. That is used for new types of radars and observation systems. Teraherz-scanners can give new tools for airport security. Those scanners can find hidden weapons in clothes. But terahertz radiation can also for communication.  The newest tool for information technology is terahertz communication. The curved terahertz radiation can make new types of communication and detection systems true. That curved radiation can travel through corners. And that makes a new type of data communication possible. The system can transmit data between two devices directly without relay stations. Even if those devices don't have visual contact with each other.  "A study

These breakthroughs can make AI even more flexible.

"A study shows regular gamers have enhanced cognitive abilities, like faster reaction times and better memory, compared to non-gamers. Despite criticisms of gaming, these findings indicate potential benefits in professional fields requiring high cognitive performance, without increased cognitive fatigue. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Improved Attention and Memory: Scientists Uncover New Cognitive Benefits of Video Games) Neuroscientists made the breakthrough when they uncovered how people learn and remember. That kind of information is required for the BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) systems that can control robots and other tools using the EEG. This kind of information is also an important thing for rehabilitating people, who have neurological damage. That data can be used to create new biological computers and microchips.  Video games can used to simulate the new tools in the virtual world. If the person can use BCI to control some characters on screen. The same s

AI is the ultimate tool for the military.

Israel uses AI to target combatants.  AI is cold, ruthless, and without emotions. That makes it an ultimate war machine. The AI can estimate things without any feelings. And that means nobody can affect it using emotional messages. This thing makes that tool the ultimate actor on the battlefield. Israeli military uses AI to track combatants. And things like face recognition make it almost impossible to hide from the AI.  The Israeli military says that the AI gives good results for the military. That means that AI has become a more common tool in the hands of authorities. The AI can find targets on the battlefield independently. It can aim weapons and launch them at those known targets without human control.  The fact is that small countries with small armies get more benefits from robot weapons than big armies. Things like automatized anti-tank missile sites that recognize their targets and then shoot missiles against those targets are the extended land mines. Those systems can send da

Techno ghosts.

Image: Big Are past people here in the form of stored EEG?  Have you ever heard of the term "techno ghost"? Many people think that that term means the hologram. This is one of the biggest misunderstandings in the world. Techno ghost can mean artificial intelligence that imitates people who passed away. Or it can mean a person. Whose memories and EEG are copied into the computer's hard disks.  Then, the modified BCI (Brain Computer Interface)  system drives those things into the cloned people's brains. Maybe, that vision seemed impossible, but the fact is that. Brain implants make it possible. That person's EEG can stored on the internet during their entire life. Then the system must only make a clone of that person, and drive those memories into that cloned person's brain.  Biocomputer is "brain in a vat".  The biocomputer can reach the human intelligence level easily.  At this point, we must realize. Even if somebody is a brain in a vat, t

The new sensor from Aalto-Yliopisto benefits the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

"An artistic illustration shows how microscopic bolometers (depicted on the right) can be used to sense very weak radiation emitted from qubits (depicted on the left). Credit: Aleksandr Käkinen/Aalto University" (ScitechDaily, Breaking the Limits: Overcoming Heisenberg’s Uncertainty in Quantum Measurements) "The uncertainty principle, also known as Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle, is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It states that there is a limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, can be simultaneously known. In other words, the more accurately one property is measured, the less accurately the other property can be known." (Wikipedia, Uncertainty principle)  In this text, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle means the same as the uncertainty principle or Heisenberg indeterminacy principle, The highly accurate temperature sensors can measure the quantum system's energy levels. The

Could the Lyman-alpha forest give a hint about the dark matter?

"A computer simulation of a possible Lyman-alpha forest configuration at z = 3" (Wikipedia, Lyman-alpha forest) All energy is wave movement. Wavelength determines the name of the energy, and there are four fundamental energy forms in the universe. Those four forces are strong- and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity. All energy forms or forces are interactions. And that's why their name is fundamental interaction. All of those forces have pulling and repelling forms.  In some models, dark matter is the source of dark energy. And the thing is that dark energy could interact with dark matter. In some models, the dark energy is a gravitational hole. The idea is that when waves travel their backside is at a higher level than their front side is. The wave pulls water upwards at that point water travels opposite to the wave. During that interaction, water transfers energy into that wave.  That raises the height of the wave. And the higher water level behind the w