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Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers.

Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers. 

The Chat GPT is a very good tool. It outperforms many things and the next-generation coders and other workers might only advise to Chat GPT or some of its successors and the AI makes the calculations and codes for the person who uses it. So maybe Chat GPT is the end of the era of coders or analysts. 

When we think about students, they have to learn to work with the newest possible tools. The business and military environments require flexibility and effective tools. The purpose of studies is to give a person the capacity to operate in real-life business and technical environments. Nobody sits in school forever. 

We know that some students are cheating. But those students cheat anyway. That means the Chat GPT is a system that requires an honest attitude. Students are cheated throughout history. The most common way to cheat in studies is to hire some other person to do their work. And that means the AI just gives that possibility to people who have no money and relationships that make essays for those students. 

The Chat GPT and other similar algorithms are a challenge. But people must just respond to that challenge. They must learn to use those new programs because they are necessary tools. The Chat GPT and other similar applications can already used for making military systems. And Ukrainian army uses those applications for the R&D of their equipment. 

Who work with mechanical areas in computers and especially programming technology. When we are talking about the end of coders we are talking about the end of the era of low-paid one-time-used workers. The Chat GPT and its "family algorithms" like Bing are tools that are making prima-code very fast. And that's why they are the ultimate tools for programming. 

When we think about AI and its abilities we must remember that only imagination is limited. The fact is that AI is the tool that will turn everything around. It's a game changer in business, engineering, and war. The AI-based metaverse applications have many possibilities that even their developers cannot predict. Maybe in the future, we will live in a metaverse that interconnects multiple physical and virtual systems into one entirety. 

The 3D printer systems that can connect with AI can make everything. There is a possibility that the metaverse is a matrix where people can use virtual characters or they can use physical robots as external bodies. Those external robot bodies can turn all vehicles and aircraft into robot systems. 

The BCI systems can make it possible for people can see things like animals see them. The BCI can transmit things that things like birds are seeing. And that thing can turn every single animal into a biosensor or biorobot that can be used in many missions in scientific, law enforcement, and military areas. The thing is that the metaverse along with BCI means that people can live in the virtual world. Architects can see what their house looks like in real places. Aircraft and car designers can give instructions for AI. And that thing makes models by following those instructions. 

The AI-based design tool makes it possible for people can make customized cars and other vehicles by using simple design tools. If we interconnect that design tool with a 3D printer system that follows orders and makes it possible to create customized vehicles and other merchandise for customers. 

The metaverse allows customers to see the product in the natural environment. The vacuum technology where that printer operates allows them to create high-class, high-temperature products. Also, new carbon fiber- chromium-steel composites are making the new hardness to those materials that the high-temperature 3D systems can use. 

And of course, people say that AI and combat robots are not humanitary weapons. The fact is anyway, the purpose of the military is to be effective. Without killer drones, Ukraine would fall. The thing is that those killer robots are effective tools for non-humane purposes. And war is a non-human action. But if the nation wants to defend itself it must have effective military forces.


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