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The new observation tools are making new ways to see and interact with objects.

We all know things like MRI(Magnetic resonance imaging) and other kinds of tools. Those systems are used for a long time for taking images from the human body. The newest systems are portable iMPI (Magnetic Particle Imaging) scanners that can give information about the human body without X- or gamma-rays. The idea of that system is that the iMPI manipulates nano-scale magnetic objects. And then that system makes an image by using that system. 

"Researchers from the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) have developed a portable, radiation-free scanner using Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). This technique, capable of visualizing dynamic processes like blood flow in the human body, is based on the detection of magnetic nanoparticles administered as markers". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being) tells about the kinds of portable systems about this: 

"Technologies like computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and ultrasound are now integral parts of the medical domain, offering exclusive insights into human anatomy. These techniques not only provide detailed imaging of the human body but also help physicians identify abnormalities or analyze functional processes within". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

A group comprising physicists and medical experts from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) has successfully developed an innovative, radiation-free imaging technique that’s suitable for human use called Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). Their newly invented portable scanner is capable of, among other things, visualizing dynamic processes in the human body, such as blood flow". ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

"The iMPI (imaging MPI) scanner is so small and light that you can take it with you and use it almost anywhere. This is a first important step towards radiation-free intervention. Credit: Patrick Vogel / Stefan Herz" ( Imaging Technology Provides a Quick Look Inside a Human Being)

The medical staff or researchers can send those images to central hospitals from the fields. That makes it possible to control the cooperation with the field team and hospital team. And staff can call the highest-grade specialists in seconds. In the most effective versions, the system sends the image to the laptops of all free on-call staff. And that helps them to prepare surgical rooms and other needed things while the victim is on the field. 

The fact is that iMPI scanners can also use for searching for material damages. But new and powerful intelligent systems that base on light manipulation and nano-size X-ray sources and coherent gamma-and X-rays can revolutionize material research. 

The MRI- and other medical scanners can be put in quadcopters. And they can use to search for damages in bridges and buildings. 

There is the possibility. In the future, material researchers use complex VR-based systems,  connected with quantum lasers and other acoustic and optical tools like X-ray microscopes that can interact with single atoms. The system can use thin X-rays that are shot diagonally to the layer. Another radiation source can send radiation with another wavelength and then the system can connect those images into one entirety.  

In some visions the next-generation microscopes with graphite layer where is trapped electrons or ions. Graphite molecule is like a tube, and that allows us to aim radiation at the right point. That kind of thing can give the compound eye for the next-generation microscopes. In the next-generation scanning tunneling microscopes, the particle group can hover between layer and stylus in graphite tubes. That thing allows the system to scan larger areas at the same time. 

"Using X-rays (green in the picture), researchers have created 3D cinema-like effects on the kagome metal TbV6Sn6. This way, they have succeeded in tracking down the behavior of electrons (blue and yellow in the picture) and have taken a step forward in the understanding of quantum materials. Credit: Jörg Bandmann/ct.qmat)" ( The Quantum Odyssey: Visualizing Topological Materials With “3D Glasses)

But there is the possibility to use this kind of system for a longer distance. The system called "scanning light microscope" uses a system that can send individual photons to a layer. The idea is that the system sends radiation stress to particles trapped in its structure. That structure can be 2-layer graphene where graphite towers keep those layers away from each other. 

Particles that use for sending those photons can be in those graphite tubes or trapped in a graphene structure. Then the system sends electric pulses to those particles. That gives the possibility to create low-energy photon emission. When that radiation hits the surface the particles in that thing send that radiation back. When that radiation returns from the layer other parts receive that echo. That allows to create the new microscope that can install theoretically in the 3D glasses. 

The new observation tools like the combination of well-known systems like MRI, ultrasound, positron emission, and very thin X-rays are giving a new way to see the human body. The new systems can combine those systems and connect MRI, ultrasound, and other images from different imaging tools into one entirety. 

That thing makes it possible to create fast and powerful imaging tools. When we think about the possibility to make a scanner system two quadcopters can fly opposite to each other around the human or any other object, and that system can make X-ray or ultrasound scanner images from humans. But it also can take images from building structures. In that case, the system uses an X-ray or acoustic pointer. 

The user of the system can be inside the building, and then the quadcopter with an X-ray receiver could fly outside the building. The user of the system sends X-rays through the wall. and that shows minimal internal damage to the building. The helicopter must be in line with the X-ray system. Or if the system uses acoustic devices that make it possible to create ultra- or infrasound-based "X-ray" images. In that case, the acoustic receiver can use coherent sound waves to put it in the right position.


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