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Casimir effect and vacuum energy are not forming energy from anything. They just increase the power of wave movement

The cone on the top of the text introduces the universe's expansion. But in this text, the purpose of that image is to demonstrate the vacuum energy model. The idea is that wave movement or energy starts to fall in the minimum energy point. 

That is in the middle of the system. So that point is like a pothole, and because all systems are trying to reach energy stability, that energy pothole makes energy or information fall in it. 

There is a minimum energy point in an electromagnetic field. And that causes energy starts to travel to that minimum energy point. The system can collect that energy by putting an antenna, like disk shape structure in that wave movement. 

There is the possibility to create the laser ray that forms this kind of situation. The laser shoots electron cores away from atoms that are in that disk. And that causes that energy starts to travel at that point. The system collects that energy which travels through that plate. 

But that energy system must make more energy than it uses. The idea is that an antenna or system just collects more energy from its environment than it uses. 

"Casimir forces on parallel plates" (Wikipedia/Casimir effect)

Casimir effect and vacuum energy are not forming energy from anything. They just rise the strength of the wave movement. Vacuum energy means the situation where energy or wave movement is traveling through an antenna, and that antenna turns that thing into electricity. Sometimes the vacuum energy means the wave movement that is shot through the standing wave movement. That has the same frequency. 

The requirement for the Casimir effect is that the plates are very close to each other. The distance between two plates must be smaller than the size of atoms. The thing that forms the Casimir effect is the wave movement or standing wave movement that is between those plates. The Casimir effect means that the electron's or wave movement's energy level will rise when it travels through that standing wave movement.   

Sometimes misunderstand the so-called Casimir effect of energy from nothingness. Casimir effect is not making energy from emptiness. The idea of the Casimir effect is that electrons travel between plates that are extremely close to each other. When an electron jumps to a vacuum between those plates. It just harvests an electromagnetic field with it. When an electron travels across the electromagnetic field between those "Casimir plates" it loads energy from those fields into itself. 

Or otherwise saying the quantum field is touching the electron. The Casimir effect could be a very interesting tool in radio communication and energy production. But the problem is that effect is possible only in the superconducting conditions. In the description of the Casimir effect is told that an electron forms a virtual particle when it travels between those Casimir plates. 

The virtual particle forms when the electron's energy level rises when that quantum field loads energy into it. When an electron is coming closer to receiving plate it releases that extra energy as radiation or photon. So Casimir effect is a multilevel phenomenon. That is possible between superconducting plates that are extremely close to each other. But a similar effect is seen between electrons and other particles. The fact is that information can travel also between electrons. In that case, another electron's energy level must be higher than the other. And that causes the wave motion to transfer to another electron. 

Near black holes, wave movement that comes outside the transition disk and travels through it rises the material's energy level around the black hole to intensive temperature along with friction. So the effect is similar to zero-point or vacuum energy. 

Vacuum energy is also sometimes misunderstood. Sometimes black holes are also a synonym for vacuum energy. Or the gravitational effect of black holes is forming a situation where wave movement travels through the transition disk and rises its temperature to an extremely high level. 

The idea of vacuum energy is that there is a hole or low-pressure (minimum energy level) area in an electromagnetic field. That low-pressure hole in the electromagnetic field causes electromagnetic radiation or wave movement starts to travel in that hole. It's possible. Electromagnetic black holes can form a similar effect. An electromagnetic black hole is a case where energy starts to travel at a certain point. 

In some visions, a laser ray, that shot through the plate-shaped structure could make an electromagnetic black hole. The idea is that the laser ray shoots electron cores away from atoms. And that thing creates a situation where energy starts to travel to that electromagnetic effect through the plate. So the plate collects the energy that is traveling to that extremely electronegative point in the middle of the plate. 

The idea is like an electron-hole. When the energy level of an electron at the front of the wire rises it starts to transmit wave movement or energy to the wire. Theoretically, electron holes can use to create energy. The problem is that to create energy economical. The electron hole must be far larger than it is in electric wires. If we want to make the electron-hole generator we must just create an electric wire or antenna that is at a lower energy level than its environment, and then the energy starts to travel to that antenna.


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