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The oil and gas industry causes earthquakes.


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"Oil and gas production was strongly correlated with 68 percent of earthquakes larger than 1.5 in magnitude". ( and Gas Production Is Causing a Worrying Number of Earthquakes)

Oil and gas deposits are in the caves or pockets deep underground. The pressure of the oil and gas the pocket's roof up. The pressure supports the structure that holds the roof of those deposits up. When oil and gas are conducted away from those deep underground deposits. 

The pressure decreases in those pockets. 68% of those earthquakes are stronger than 1,5 Richer says research from the University of Texas. ( and Gas Production Is Causing a Worrying Number of Earthquakes)

And that removes the support from the roof. Because there is not enough pressure the roof of those deposits collapses. And that thing causes earthquakes. There is the possibility that taking water from underground deposits causes similar earthquakes. Also, the use of water from underground deposits causes a similar effect to the oil industry. 

Image 2:)  The GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) satellite. In the future, the power satellites can look a little bit like this. 

The futuristic solar power satellites are delivering endless and pure energy to ground. The energy satellites are planned from the 1970's . The problem with those satellites is that atmosphere absorbs radiation.  So the transmitting power of those satellites is megawatt-class that the satellites can deliver power to ground effectively. And that makes those satellites dangerous in the wrong hands. 

Some people criticize those systems. The same satellites can work as ultimate battle stations which can sweep missiles and aircraft away from the skies. And if the system is powerful enough. It can harm the structures on Earth. 

The earthquakes and power satellites. 

There are plans to create large-size solar-power stations that orbit the Earth. Those satellites will deliver energy to the energy network by using radio waves that are sent to antennas. And those antennas are delivering those radio waves to the electric network. The power of those satellites is extremely high. 

And sometimes people are concerned that those radio waves can warm the underground water deposits. That thing causes the size of the water expands. Also, fast vaporization makes it possible that the water acts similar way to oil and gas. When a large mass of water will remove from the ground fast. That can cause earthquakes. 

The satellite base seismic weapon. (Shuttle's seismic secret) 

If the satellites are using microwaves, lasers, or crossing radio waves that are creating electric arcs underwater that thing can cause artificial earthquakes. The ELF radars that are used to locate underground structures and underground oil deposits can create electric arcs deep underground. 

And that thing can make an artificial earthquake in some areas. The idea is that the electric arc vaporizes water, gas, or oil and causes a similar effect to the oil industry. When the underground liquid vaporizes that thing causes changes in the pressure and physical conditions underground. That thing can cause synthetic earthquakes.

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