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Is reality even exists?

Most people see paradise in the image above this text. But what if somebody is on that beach when a tsunami hits it? Or what if a sea snake has bitten somebody on that beach? How would that individual see that beach? Would that person see paradise in that image? Or would that person see something else? 

Reality depends on our senses. The difference in the senses means that we cannot have a common vision of reality. There are always individuals with different opinions of things, which we think of as a truism.  And senses with memories are making us feel reality differently. That means things like a circus look very attractive to most people. But some individuals can have traumatic memories of that thing. And they can see that attractive thing as scary. 

Many times there is asked, what is reality? The description for that thing is a very hard thing to make. Normally people say that reality is something that we can touch. Or otherwise sense. So the reality is something kinetic. But then we can start to think about things like neutrinos. Neutrinos are very small particles that exist. But we cannot touch that thing. Many things in the universe exist. 

The fact is that we cannot touch those things because they are too far from us. And that causes the question: is the reality the only thing that affects us immediately? The fact is, the most distant star can turn the asteroid into a trajectory that makes it impact Earth. Maybe the journey of that asteroid takes a couple of trillions of years. And maybe the existence of the human race as species as we know it is lost a long time before that asteroid is visible. 

Things like dark matter and dark energy are somehow part of reality. The thing that we cannot see those things or they cannot interact with doesn't remove their existence. But is the form of those things only wave motion, or is it possible that they can form complicated molecular structures? That is one thing that makes those strange things interesting. 

So how to describe reality? Is reality something that means something to me? Or is it something that should mean something to somebody? If I would not click the news that doesn't seem interesting doesn't remove that news from the net. In the case that I will not click the news that doesn't interest me means this: I'm guilty of self-censorship. The thing that I don't click on is news that does not interest me is a good example of "cancel-culture". I will click only things that interest me. 

And that thing denies the opposite opinions. I hear and see only what I want to see and what I want to hear. But then we might think about the news. When we are looking at the Ukrainian war and the Russian attack, we see that the opposite opinions might not be right. Or "our side" information can also be lacking. 

The idea is the same with the data that the James Webb Space Telescope transmits to Earth. Those published images are amazing. But they are only a grain of sand size area of the sky. That means JWST-telescope can see many things with extreme accuracy. But the accuracy costs the common vision. If we are looking at something with very high accuracy, that will turn vision narrowed. We can see one grain of sand. But we cannot see the beach. 


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