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Physicists are quite sure that the multiverse exists.


 Physicists are quite sure that the multiverse exists.

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If somebody wants to say that "certainly multiverse" does not exist I must say. That history is full of things. That was "certainly do not exist". Things like exoplanets, exosolar systems, and even other galaxies are mentioned as the product of imagination. Our knowledge of the universe expands all the time. And we must remember that Edwin Hubble found other galaxies in the 1920s during the researched spiral nebulae. 

Long time people believed that the Milky Way was the galaxy and other galaxies orbit it.  Now we know that there are many galaxies in the universe. But the fact is that the reason why those galaxies are spirals is just confirmed. 

The spiral structure of galaxies is the reason for supermassive black holes that are forming that whirl around them. Without supermassive black holes, the formation of the spiral structures is impossible because the supermassive black holes are acting like axel in that structure. 

But is it possible that deep inside the universe is a hyper massive black hole? The size or diameter of those predicted monsters' event horizons is larger than galaxies. The beginning of that theory is in the hypothesis that. 

When the Big Bang happened. A part of the material dropped to the black hole that formed just after the explosion. Some scientists believe that the Big Bang was a white hole where the material was released. 

But then we might say that now we know more things about the universe than ever before. And surely, there are other universes. The reason for that is that universe is a bubble. That formed after the Big Bang. And, of course, there should be other big Bangs and other universes. 

Image 2) Cosmic microwave background (CMB). Note the blue areas which are cold points in CMB.

Three facts support that theory. 

1) The cold spots in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). 

Those cold spots are seen as blue areas in the image. There are suspicions that the reason for those cold areas is the enormous eruptions. 

The caliber of those eruptions is larger than any supermassive black hole can ever create. And one explanation could be that the extremely powerful radiation effect which source is outside the universe is the reason for those blue areas. The source of that energy could be in another universe. 

Because energy cannot form from emptiness. There must be some material that forms energy. And that material must locate in another universe. 

2 Dark flow. 

For some unknown reason, some extremely large galaxy supergroups are flowing in the common direction in the universe. There are two possible explanations for that thing. The other could explain the fark flow by another universe. 

Another explanation is the energy flow that travels outside the universe. And that thing means that the energy will push galaxies in the same direction. 

2.1) Maybe some extremely powerful gravitational effect will make those galaxy groups travel in the common direction. The other universe can cause that effect. 

But there might be giant dark matter clouds. That causes a similar effect. The fact is that the "dark" means that the reason for that flow is unknown. 

2.2) The energy flow outside the universe. Because the energy level of the universe is higher than the space around it. Energy travels from the universe to the lower energy areas. 

So the dark flow can be the reason for some kind of asymmetry in that flow. And the question is there something outside the universe that causes the dark flow? 

3)  The part of dark energy could be the wave movement that hits the halo of the universe. Or maybe dark energy is the wave movement which source is in the other universes. 

The part of dark energy could be the wave movement that hits the halo of the universe. Every single star and galaxy is surrounded by plasma. The size of that ball can be millions of light-years. 

There is the possibility. That also entire universe is surrounded by that kind of plasma. Which is extremely thin. When that plasma is impacted by outcoming radiation. That causes the effect that the material inside it will get energy. 

The plasma ball will also conduct the outcoming energy in the middle of the universe. And if there is some kind of material that can receive that energy it sends it back in the wavelength that is the size of those particles. 

If the source of the radiation is in the particles. Which size is different than particles in our universe. That means we cannot see that radiation. So there is the possibility that other universes are a form of material that is invisible to us. 

If that material has different size particles that make it "dark". Dark matter means material that is invisible to us. And the reason for that. Could be that the quarks of that material are a different size. 

Which is the size of the quarks of visible material is. So the only possible interaction between those particles and particles of visible material is gravitation. 

There is also a theory about "dark Big Bangs". That theory is that even inside our universe is forming new universes. We cannot see those universes because they are formed of dark matter. Even those other universes have existed they might be invisible to us. And there is the possibility that some of those universes are formed of antimatter. Even in our universe is suspected of being the stars and galaxies that are formed of antimatter.

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