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The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology.


 The need of the customer plays a primary role in data technology. 

Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. The thing is that when the power of the hardware is rising. Code that is driven on the hardware is turning more complicated. 

And the similar advantage continues in quantum computers. The need to drive more complicated code for more independently operating artificial intelligence. Causes that also the power of quantum computers must increase. The thing that makes this need is that if some researcher can leave the entire routine process for computers that releases the time of that person for some other things. 

In scientific work and other duties, boring mechanical works can be left for AI-driven systems. 

The AI can use for routine duties like observing the searching the changes in the brightness of the stars. In search of an exoplanet, most of the work is searching the brightness of the star. That thing need also the most of the time. 

That can leave the routine work like observing the changes of the brightness of the star for artificial intelligence. That thing releases the time of that person for some other works. 


The route of data handling.

Simply and easy-to-use systems that can use for fixed solutions.

Stage 1: Pocket calculator

Stage 2: Scientific calculator

The route went to modular and easy-to-use solutions. And the last things like neural networks are self-learning tools. They are needed only the data matrixes that they compile with data that the system collects from the environment. 

Stage 3:Computer or stand-alone-computer

Computer or stand-alone-computer was a great advantage: User can customize modular systems can by using the software.

Limited-environment-connected computers: Allows asking help from the workmates. But the problem is that reserves the time of the workmates. And download pre-loaded software to the computer. 

Stage 4:Internet-connected computer:

Internet-connected computer: Gives access to the unlimited program library. Open space or open-source connected systems allows independent search for data. But the worker must have skills how to analyze that data.

Stage 5: Internet-connected computer:

Neural networks are the key in machine learning: Those are learning systems. The beginning of those systems is the indexing tools of the internet. The system can recognize the situations by using certain parameters. 

Those parameters can contain information about the things that happened before the bomb strike. And then the system can compile the data that is collected from surveillance cameras to that data matrix. 

Stage 6: Quantum computers

Quantum computers. Those systems are millions of times more powerful than binary computers. They can run more complicated code and algorithms than any binary computer before. The computer can search data from the internet. And make the solutions by using open-source data. 

Stage 7: Quantum neural networks:

Do the computers of the future have imagination and feel like humans? And could they be more intelligent than humans who made those systems for serving themselves? 

Quantum neural networks: Self-learning internet- or quantum-based network interconnects quantum computers. The ability to send qubits between quantum computers is removing borders between those systems. And that thing means there is no limit to the code that the system can run.


Determining the use of the system is important because that makes systems effective, and the multi-use tools might first seem more uncomfortable and slower than single-use systems. 

When we want to compare pocket calculators and quantum computers the pocket calculator seems more comfortable and useful than quantum computers. The pocket calculators are effective tools for solving everyday mathematical problems like what is the cost of ten butter boxes. 

But if we want to solve more complicated mathematical problems like exponent and geometrical functions we need scientific calculators. Those functions are made in those calculators. And that thing minimizes the possibility of human error. 

Solving those problems can make by using regular pocket calculators is possible. But pushing buttons is more complicated. And there is the possibility that the user of the pocket calculator makes mistakes while inputting data. The reason why we are buying the calculator is that we want to make our life easier. 

Pocket and scientific pocket calculators are impressive tools for solving mathematical problems but they are limited. The abilities of those systems are fixed in those electronic tools. These calculators are the RISC tools. They are effective in some very limited sectors. But if we want to use our systems for something else, we need a new type of system. 


Intelligent mobile telephones are like pocket computers. There is the possibility to load applications for those systems That mean the system is the modular solution for the data handling problems. 

The hardware is the same. And the physical system is only the platform that runs software. The software-based solutions are making those systems flexible. And they can customize to the needs of the user. 


Sending qubits in long ranges can be made by using nano-tube-based particle accelerators. In that case, the electron-based qubits are shot between quantum computers by using particle accelerators. 


The computer is the tool that is answering the problem of multi-use tools. A single computer can use for solving mathematical problems. But there might be some kind of writing software. And that means the system can be used also for writing reports. But for searching data, the system operator requires the book. 

If that computer is connected to the network the user can ask for help from the working mates. But if the computer is connected to an open network, that thing allows that the user of the system must not borrow workmates. And searching data is easier. The network-based systems can keep a book about the most common searches. 

And that means they can index searches. That on the top is the most common search. The system can also preload the data for the users. This thing is the beginning of machine learning. 

The next steps are the neural networks. Those networks are searching for data. And storing it. The system can also collect data about the connected searches. Which often follows a certain type of search. If certain searches often follow some other searches the system can also preload those following searches. Or the predicted following searches. That thing is deeper learning than just storing the prime searches. 

The quantum computer is the ultimate tool for the quantum computer. The quantum computer is the ultimate tool. For analyzing the data that is collected from the internet. And the next step is the development of quantum networks. 

The quantum network is the ultimate connection of quantum computers. If quantum computers can communicate by using quantum technologies. That thing means that the quantum computers use the qubits also for long-range communication that means that there is no limit for the size of the quantum computers. Sending the qubit can make by using nano-tube-based particle accelerators. That is shooting electrons where the data is stored between quantum computers.


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