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Nowadays the way to make politics is different than yesterday

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Now Donald Trump has been commented the internal politics of Great Britain, and that is giving the signal that something has been changed in that area. Donald Trump is not the only president, who have made comments about other nations internal politics, but this is the new way to make politics. The thing is that the traditional way, where only the "political elite" can talk about things is changing. And that gives new kind of demands for politicians. They must follow social media and take notice of their behavior because if they screw up, there will be nobody, who could fix that mistake.

Trump is the man, who came to the political elite from the business world, and that makes him different than what has been seen in the seat of the statesman or leader of the state. And there is one thing what has been forgotten about Trump. This man has been got very much negative publicity during the election campaign for the presidency and that campaign is also mentioned in the foreign press.

Many European leaders wanted that there would be somebody else than Trump in the White House, but then the people of the USA gave their votes. And the catastrophe was ready. Trump was elected for the President Of the United States Of America against the will of the foreign countries. This is, of course, the little bit embarrassing for the people, who gave open support to the competitor of Trump.

Those people must now meet this man, and he might remember how some pressmen argumentation his personality. The argumentation and blasphemous attitude for this man was very embarrassing because those writers must now tolerate Trump, and the worst thing is, that this man raised in the seat of the President Of United States Of America because of those media-stories. Without those articles, Trump might lose the race, and there might be somebody else in the White House. But as we know the international campaign against Trump was raised this man as the position, where he is now.

When we are talking about the position of Trump, this man is trying to create something else than militaristic peace. And when we are thinking about this meeting at Helsinki, we must realize that there is two way to make peace. Another one is to talk with another part, or make more nuclear weapons. And nuclear weapons are very expensive tools, what might deny many open conflicts, but as we know, this is only the speculation.

The nuclear policy and security have been created by the top scientists for the military powers of the nations, what have nuclear weapons. And here is one thing, what people always forget. USA and Russia are not only states, what have nuclear weapons. That makes the nuclear disarming a very complicated thing. Israel, China, India, and Pakistan are also nuclear states with North-Korea do we want that or not.

And South-Africa can make own nuke when this country wants to return it nuclear strike capacity. Here I listed the states, what are not members of any defense coalitions. Of course, we have almost forgotten the Nuclear weapons of France and the United Kingdom. Even if Russia and the USA would make contracts about nuclear disarming there are also other nations, what should come to talk about those weapons, what are treat for Russia.

This is the reason, why those things are very complicated. Trump is not the only one who has made mistakes, but he is now the president, who has power in his country. This is the fact, what we must confess. There would be no new elections before the next campaign in the year 2020, and then Trump can continue from the year 2121 to the year 2125 as the President Of the United States if the people of USA think he is the right man to lead that country.


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