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New type for the cure for cancer, and the nightmare for the human race

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Nanotechnology would give us the new kind of opportunity for fighting against the diseases like cancer and AIDS. The most radical way to fight against AIDS is that scientists would replace the entire immune system with nanomachines, what would be the attack against the HIV-viruses, and cut it RNA molecule in the pieces, what cannot cause that disease. The cure would turn the worst nightmare in the human history.

And in theory, if the disease would be gone too far, the nanomachines would replace the immune cells until the infection would be laid down, and all viruses are destroyed. Nanotechnology can be used against the cancer same way as the AIDS, but in this case would be possible the use of chemically modified Boomslang-snakes poison, and in this case, the on the poison molecule would be connected the enzyme, what makes the body to transfer that molecule in the cells, what wanted to destroyed.

The poison of that snake would normally destroy the liver, but if the molecule would be modified, the body would transfer those molecules in the cancer tissue, and it would start to destroy the cells. But this thing can cause as the weapon, and in some horrified futuristic visions, the killer would modify the poison molecule that it would be transferred to the brains. And that poison would destroy the brains in the same way as it would destroy the liver.

Or in some sophisticated models, those molecules would be transferred to the support cells of the nervous system, and then the destruction of those cells, what are covering the axons, would that cause very invalidate version of the Alzheimer, and that would make people harmless, and any sign of the violence would not be seen from outside. The use of poison is safer than viruses, because the measure of the poison is stable, and that kind of poison would not increase its amount.

For creating the poison would be used the cell cultures where is grown the cells from that snake's poison glands. This makes the process safe for the workers. There are many problems for virus-therpies before they can accept to use for the cure of the people. And the use of genetically modified viruses could cause the infection, where the people would be polluted with that virus. And this is one reason, why the viral therapies would not be allowed in the Western world. We would not know, what happens if those genetically modified viruses would be released to nature.


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