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Let's talk about UFO:s part III (Is this mythical F-19 or TR-3B and is F-19 (SR-72) actually the same aircraft as TR3B?)

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Let's talk about UFO:s part III (Is this mythical F-19 or TR-3B and is F-19 actually the same aircraft as TR3B?)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

In the picture above the text is a craft, what is mentioned very large. Making the analyze of the craft what is in this picture is very difficult because there is nothing, what can be used to compile the size of this object. So it might be actually quite small, and it might be closer than the observer even thinks. I think that this could be some secret drone- or manned aircraft project. Term "secret" means that this thing is not introduced to the public audience.

If the TR3B "Astra" really exists and that would use nuclear power, there would also be the versions of that plane, what uses conventional turbines. Those versions might use for training that pilots could study the affections about this plane before they would get the nuclear-powered model in their hands. And here I must ask is TR-3B the same plane as "Aurora" or F-19? Here I'm asking is F-19 changed name as SR-72, if the plane is meant to replace the SR-71 "Blackbird?

The shape of this object is similar with STEALTH-plane F-19, what was claimed the most secret aircraft in the world. There was ever proven that this aircraft even existed, but it is claimed to be a combat model of mysterious ”Aurora” aircraft. But this object would be actually quite small, and it could be one of the many drones, what are developed in the United Kingdom and the United States for reconnaissance and combat missions.

Maybe this is the "Robo Falcon", what might have extra jet engines, what thrust to the downwards for VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) missions. The stories of F-19 were stopped when USAF gave F-117 in public and confessed that they had STEALTH airplanes. But many persons believed that this hired much bigger secrets because the shape of F-117 didn't match for the observations of mystery plane, what is flown only in the night. So I must ask again could F-19 be the same aircraft than top secret SR-72? And is that plane ever flown is the different thing. Maybe it was studying project of studying the hypersonic technology, whoever knows the truth.

There would be normal jet motors in backward and different motors for vertical take off. The same models, what are created for those experimental aircraft could be used as the new era of cruise missiles. Some of those missiles would launch via orbiter, and they can use SCRAMJETS for hypersonic flight. The antibody missiles would be like small space shuttles, and I personally think that they are STEALTH-versions of X37B. The cruise missiles of tomorrow could have the capacity to "levitate" on the skies, and wait for orders to attack. And the same models could be used in many aerial vehicles, drones,  manned airplanes and space shuttles.

So the size of that plane could be similar that Mercedes car and those drones can be used to test the models of full-sized fighter military fighters or fighter-bombers. The flying models are easier to hide from the public eye than full-size aircraft. And remote controlled aircraft would not uncover by its pilots who have no need to know, what kind aircraft does this person control.

Sometimes I have thought that this vehicle can be some next-generation cruise missile, what is extremely fast.. Those nuclear- or conventional missiles also would have STEALTH-capacity, but the soft shape would allow them to flight very high speed. And the cruise missiles of tomorrow would be equipped with sophisticated artificial intelligence, what would allow them to change speed and course during the flight, and those missiles can also avoid enemy missiles with sophisticated computer systems, what allows them to use similar flare and chaff systems, what is used in manned aircraft. This would help the cruise missile survivability in this weapons trip to target.


Picture 1.


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