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How might wormhole be created?

Kimmo Huosionmaa
Science is not actually knowing, how wormholes between two black holes are creating. The size of those wormholes is so small, that they would be very tricky to observe. They exist in the world of quantum, and their size is smaller than the nucleus of atoms. Only photons, electrons or quarks can pass this route.

But in the scenarios, there is needed two black holes, what will oscillate at the same frequency. This would not allow the creation of wormholes, and there would need more things for creating the Einstein-Rosen bridge thru the universe. I know what I have written, and when I’m writing about the traveling wormholes.

The thing what makes wormhole possible would be, that two black holes will turn their poles to the other black hole. The other black holes north pole turns to other black holes south pole, and when the high energy nuclides travel thru the universe and impact together, that would make possible to the creation of the wormhole, what connects those black holes together by the “tube” what will allow traveling extreme long time in seconds.

We cannot use this thing for traveling in the universe because those wormholes are extremely small. But they can transfer light and radio waves thru that channel, and that would allow making the communication between Earth and some drones, what operates in some other solar system possible. But the time what would take to send those drones in another solar system takes millions of years.

But this is only a scenario of the situation, where humans would be sent the drone to another solar system. The travel would take thousands of years, but the wormhole will allow controlling that drone like it would be in same room. If we could someday make the electromagnetic black hole, that allows us to travel thru it. The wormhole can also be a threat. If somebody like alien or chief of colonies wants, could that hostile operator send the projectile by this phenomenon, and destroy the entire planet.

This is one threat, what we must notice if we sometimes will use those wormholes as the travel machine to the universe. But we don’t have technology what we could use in this kind of theoretical projects. So this is only the thought about the question, can we ever create this thing, and maybe after hundreds of years we could travel thru it.


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