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Society must prepare for modern threats better than they prepared.

Covid 19 has proved one thing. We must prepare better for modern threats. New platforms like the Internet and social media are bringing new opportunities. But they are also bringing new threats. When we are thinking about things like COVID-19 we must ask one question. 

Would those lockdowns and quarantines be made without social media? The function of social media is two-way. Social media can use for delivering information. But that information is probably non-relevant. 

Disinformation and misinformation are both harmful. There is no difference between wrong information that is delivered on purpose or accidentally. If some other person would believe that vaccinations are risking their lives that thing is harmful. 

When we are thinking about vaccines and other things, we must realize that those things are the biggest in human history. Vaccines can make some biological weapons unable to work. And that thing means that the UN should give more support for vaccination projects against Anthrax and other bacteriologic weapons. 

People should know that things like vaccines are making people resistant to things like influenza viruses. But modern society must have the capacity to answer the challenges that the Internet and other things are bringing. We must have the ability to benefit the Internet as the tool that can give superpowers to regular people as well as authorities. But the good boys and bad boys can use the internet as a platform for their operations. The Internet can use for communication. 

But it can also use for aiming the weapons and tracking single people. And that is one of the biggest problems. When we want to remove dis- and misinformation from the net, we might not think that those terms must determine first. Another thing is that the internet and AI are making it possible to track shoplifters immediately. When some security gates are alarming the camera takes an image. Then that image can download to a face recognition system. 

And when that thief steps into another shop that thing informs guards about that person. When we are thinking about things like biometric recognition in passports. The same database can use to solve the identity of violent criminals. And especially rapers. We forget one thing. The DNA can be faked. There is enough that the cells of the person will take to the crime scene. We want to believe that nobody wants to set up other people as criminals.

 But then we must realize that sometimes other governments want to make those things to people who they want to keep silent. "Political criminals" are easy to set up as drug smugglers, serial killers, and terrorists. Those things are so-called real crimes. And they are making the extradition request seem acceptable. In some jokes, the juridical denying of the use of the passport genetic database is that the police chiefs cannot say that go out and find the raper. 

When some people resist the change, we must ask what makes the old fashion things better? What if we will turn to using electric vehicles? Why somebody is against those vehicles? If we are thinking like some Donald Duck we might say that the bribes that are paid in the form of gasoline will turn impossible. This kind of bribery goes like this. Another person will buy gasoline for another person's car. And that is one version of the illegal payments. If we have a big-engine car, that thing is big money if some other person will pay the gasoline bill for years.


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