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How was the COVID-19 Omikron variant formed?


 How was the COVID-19 Omikron variant formed?

The reason why the new COVID-19 variant formed was maybe the HIV patient in Africa. The reason why the COVID-19 Omikron variant is formed in Africa. Is that there must be the lowest vaccination level in the world. 

The fact is that some African nations even don't know how many citizens they have. And another thing is that how many people are visited, in COVID-19 tests in Africa? When we are talking about the COVID-19 infections we are talking about the confirmed infections. 

On this point, I must say that HIV infections are also possible in Europe and especially in the society of narcotics users and outcasted people. That means the COVID-19 can mutate also in Europe or Russia. 

And the thing is that the COVID-19 is not the only dangerous virus in the world. Also, other viruses can cause deadly infections. The mutation or ability to connect the new genomes to the DNA or RNA of the virus can transform any virus to dangerous. 

How to determine the term "confirmed infections?". In those cases, the confirmation should be made by using European standards. And those tests should be made by trained medical staff. So is those things reality in Africa? The thing is that the COVID-19 is creating new variants all the time. But the COVID-19 is not the only coronavirus that exists. The omikron variant can be formed from the other viruses. And the thing is that the genomes of the viruses are transforming all the time. While they are infecting some species or cell lines. 

The problem is that the things like HIV and other kinds of lost immune cells can cause that the vaccines are unable to work. If infected persons would not have immune cells the vaccines are unable to work. The loss of immune cells can cause by HIV. Or some medicines are making the immune system unable to work. The thing is that if some woman or man is hiding the HIV infection. 

That thing can cause the fast mutation of the virus. The problem with the countries in Africa is that there is no social security. And that causes that some prostitutes might hide their infection because that causes nobody will feed them. But also European tourists can get HIV or COVID-19 or both of them from Africa. And that thing means that the mutation can happen also in Europe. So the HIV patient is enough that the virus can infect the person. 

That means the COVID-19 is unpredictable. Many things are affecting the pandemics. And one of them is that if people are hiding that they are HIV-positive, that can cause the situation that the COVID-19 would infect the person. And that kind of infection can cause the mutation of the virus. This kind of infection can form new variants of viruses. And anyway, those variants can form also in Europe. Or anywhere on our planet.


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