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Showing posts from October, 2022

Researchers at Columbia University made light travel through metal.

"Light Conduction in a Metal: Waveguides are observed in a semimetal known as ZrSiSe. Credit: Nicoletta Barolini, Columbia University". ( Propagation: Columbia Physicists See Light Waves Moving Through a Metal) The metallic structure that is in the image above made it possible. That light travels through it. This kind of metal structure is one of the biggest discoveries in history. The ability to send light through metal can make a revolution in quantum computers, stealth technology, and aviation.  Two- or three-layer metal structures where layers are made of Rydberg's atoms can make it possible to create a new type of quantum neural computer. The photons transport information through those layers. And that system can be more powerful than any computing system before.  In that model, the system uses superpositioned and entangled electrons in Rydberg's atoms for making an atom-size quantum computer. And three layers of those 2-dimensional qua

How intelligent were dinosaurs?

  Maybe some other dinosaurs were more intelligent than others. That means some dinosaurs could make more versatile things than others. But there must be some reasons why the brain and especially connections in the brain started forming. More neural connections and the ability to take the neural signals back and analyze things made some dinosaurs superior to others.  But when we are thinking about the T-Rex itself there was one thing that could explain why T-Rex was so bloodthirsty. That thing is that information travels only in one direction in its nervous system. That means T-Rex couldn't resist its prey. And it's true, that means something interesting, T-Rex attacked other dinosaurs always when it saw them. So in this case the nervous system of T-Rex acts like an insect neural system. And that means the behavior of T-Rex was like some giant insect. When it smelled its prey it always attacked it.  In the movie "Jurassic Park" we can see that T-Rex attacks cars and o

Is the political field more radical than ever before?

We get more information than ever before. But we have a new ability that was impossible before the internet. We can select the information that we read. And we must not read anything that supports our opinions. This thing causes polarization in the information that we get. If we are reading only things that please us. That thing distorts information. And we might believe that all people we see are members of some kind of street gang or are working in some kind of political movement.   Our change to select the information that we get makes it possible that we can avoid discussions about that thing. We might see only things that support our opinions. And if somebody criticizes our opinions, we can just close that person out of our social environment.  The political field is more polarized and radical than ever before. Or this is the thing that many of us believe. Many people saw this when Donald Trump refused to accept the result of the elections.  And then Trump called his supporters to

Is it safe to stand on a giant's shoulders?

If we want to be prime movers we must dare to think independently. The man named Sir Isaac Newton was the man who created the first gravitational theory. Newton also explained that light had two forms particle and wave motion. But we forget one thing.  When Newton started his career, there were no gravitational theories and Newtonian mechanics. Being a prime mover makes it possible that a person makes mistakes. But if the person is successful. That brings gold and glory to that person. And guess how many errors Newton made before he published some of his theories? The key element in philosophy is just to learn to ask "why?".  We can always copy texts written by Popper or Aristotle. But when we try to create something new. We must dare to write something. That some famous philosophers did not write earlier. There is one thing that we must understand. Even the most famous philosophers once wrote their first text.  Sir Isaac Newton said he made great things because he stood on t

Theoretically, dark matter can form planets. But those hypothetical planets are invisible to us.

There is a possibility that planets formed of dark matter can explode. The idea is that dark matter is the same kind of material as visible material. But the radiation that it sends has a different wavelength than the radiation that visible material sends.  So the rules of quantum mechanics affect also dark matter. And there is always the possibility that dark matter planets are sending radiation, called "dark energy". So when dark matter forms a planet the energy travels out from that object and forms the dark energy. In that model,  planets that formed of dark matter would not be stable. And they will destroy soon after formation because energy travels out from those objects. But there is also the possibility that dark matter planets are the same way stable things as planets formed of visible material.  Dark matter reacts with visible material only with gravitation. So gravitational lensing can be the tool that uncovers planets formed of dark matter.  Supernova explosions a

New study claim that aliens don't visit us because our solar system is so boring.

Image 1:) Cosmic (neural) web.  Well, there are lots of studies. That tries to answer the biggest question in astronomy, why we don't have contact with alien civilizations? Are we alone in the universe? The fact is that we are alone until we will get the first confirmed extraterrestrial message.  Or we will capture alien spacecraft. Or some kind of alien bodies that confirmed having extraterrestrial origin. Of course, there are many stories about captured alien spacecraft. And there is the film called "alien autopsy". Some explanation for that film is that the thing that opened in that famous film is some kind of mechanic robot.  That kind of robot could be the Pentagon's military secret. And that could be the reason, why "alien autopsy" looks like a hoax. The reason for that could be that the autopsied alien is made of non-organic material. One of those explanations is that our signals would not yet reach the alien civilizations. Only intelligent civilizati

Organic molecules on Mars' surface are causing a question was there some ancient lifeforms?

Image 0) Mars as we see it today. Image 1) Mars' climate change. "Researchers in the University of Arizona Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology simulated the conditions hypothetical lifeforms would have encountered on Mars 4 billion years ago when liquid water was likely present in abundance on the red planet. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmess" ( Mars May Have Been Teeming With Life, Until It Drove Climate Change That Caused Its Demise) The modern theory about life on Mars goes like this: there were ancient life forms. But some of the kinds of meteorite impacts destroyed that primitive life.  Those meteor impacts melted the Red Plant's lithosphere at least twice. And they also transfer the trajectory of that planet. During those impacts, the red planet lost its atmosphere.  But the problem with those primitive life forms is: are they endemically formed on Mars, or did they come from somewhere else? The lifeforms might not active anymore, but th

Researchers found the genome that makes the human brain.

By observing anomalies, researchers can find how the brain works and forms. When there is some kind of anomaly in brain structure researchers can make the genetic map of a person. And then look for differences in the DNA sequences that control the brain and its development.  The brain is morphing throughout its entire life. That means connections inside living adults' brains, are not fixed.  The brain can form new connections during its entire life. And that allows us to learn new things even if we are adults.  Locating those sequences is an easy thing. The DNA sequences that control brain advancement are the most rarely used base pairs.  The neural network in the brain morphs all the time. And that thing allows us to learn new things.  But the same ability makes us forget things. The brain always removes unnecessary memory marks.  The reason why our brain forgets things is that it doesn't have to grow its database enormously. And if some memories are not needed. Brain removes

Is the first quark star found?

Image 1)  Researchers found a strange star that can be made of quarks.  If that thing is true, researchers found their first quark star. The quark star is the medium between a neutron star and a black hole. In that case, the star that is too massive for neutron stars but too light for a black hole turns into a quark star. The quark stars are extremely slight, and thick particles. And that means their magnetic and gravitational fields are even more powerful than a neutron star.  In neutron stars, quarks are inside neutrons. And the still hypothetical quark stars are formed of free quarks.  If that kinds of the star are possible, they can make a new portal to observe things like time dilation and dark matter. But in the most incredible visions quark stars are rotating in conditions that make so-called warp bubbles around them. And if the escaping velocity from quark stars is near the speed of light, and the rotation speed of that strange star is also very high.  Image 2)  There can be an

Water can turn to hard as metal.

Water, like all other materials, has three forms. Those forms are gas, solid, and liquid. If we raise the temperature to enough high level. We can vaporize even iron or any other material.  When water molecules can be locked stable enough they can form a structure that is hard as steel. And that thing can turn many things that seem like some SciFi possible.  Researchers can make that thing by using low temperature, high pressure, or powerful magnetic fields. That means researchers can create merchandise by using ice. And then the magnetic field presses that thing in a certain form.  The solid form of water is ice. Ice can form when the temperature decrease below zero degrees. This is how ice forms on Earth. But in some exoplanets, massive gravitation forms hot ice.  In those cases, the planet's gravitation locks water molecules to ice. So, another term for ice is a form of water where water molecules are locked. In Jupiter's atmosphere is ice that is formed by pressure. And in

Insect swarms can electrify air the same way as thunderstorms.

The reason. Why electricity in flashes of lightning is so powerful is that the thundercloud loads electricity into them until electricity travels to the ground. There is the possibility that insect swarms would get the same electric load as thunderclouds. If insects are flying at high altitudes and radio impulses are hitting them. That can raise the electric load on their body to a high level.  When small insects flap their wings. They can form static electricity in their tiny hair. The insect's hair acts like all other hair. And when it moves, it forms static electricity. Even if the voltage of one insect is not very high,  billions of insects can form quite a high-power electric phenomenon.  There is also possible that static electricity forms the ion channel in the air which conducts lightning to a certain point. Even a weak ion channel makes the point where electricity can travel easier than elsewhere. And that thing can cause problems with communication systems.  Insects are s

Researchers can decode thoughts from a distance.

New research has confirmed that the internal language of the brain is universal. And researchers can decode thoughts without even touching the person. Maybe that thing makes it possible to project other people's thoughts and memories onto the computer screen. The system that is based on MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) can be put in the drones.  And then the drones equipped with nano-size MRI sensors can fly around the head of the targeted person. And they can send the information to computers by using the internet. These kinds of systems allow the creation of a new type of BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces). And there is no need for special sensors or special equipment like surgically installed microchips.   Those new sensors don't need any special skills to make them operational.   The new BCI interface is easy to use. Wearing that system is like wearing a hat on the head.  The BCI systems can use regular internet for remote controlling the human-looking robots. And human-looking

Can information escape from a black hole?

The superstrings are extremely thin energy fields. They are pieces of quantum fields. And the wave-particle duality can turn those superstrings into particles.  When a black hole stretches material it turns it into a superstring-looking form. But in that case. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum in the middle of that particle.  When the pull of the black hole ends, that thing would remove the stretch of that material. That means the material can take back its regular form because both ends of that "spaghetti" pull them back together.  Can information escape from a black hole? It seems that this thing is possible. The information can escape from the black hole. There is a piece of evidence that one black hole spat out a star that turned into spaghetti and ate it three years ago. But how a material or information can escape from a black hole?  The answer can be in the whirl that pulls information inside the black hole. When a star closes to the event horizon it turns into a s

The new sensors benefit information about living organs and quantum technology.

Image 1 Researchers found near atomic-scale detail in the mechanism of hearing. Researchers found near atomic-scale detail in the mechanism of hearing. This allows us to create new types of sensors. Which are suitable for robots. Those systems make it possible to connect the microchips to the sensors of some animals. And those systems can send data on how those animals see and hear things.  Knowledge of some senses and their interaction with the neural system is an important thing. The problem with small-size sensors and biological sensors is solving how the sensor interacts with electric systems.  If researchers can someday build an artificial ear that works in the same way,  as the real ear by using similar biological systems. They can make new types of observations about noise. By using real ears. Researchers can test how disturbing or painful some noise is. But those systems can also connect with robots.  Image 2:)

Space is important from the point of view of civil and military.

Image 1) Large-size air-launched rockets can also have an ASAT capacity.  Space is the last of frontiers. Even if there are rules up there, regular people cannot ever see satellites or they see only their cores. If, they have telescopes.  Spaceborne positioning is important for GPS-homing, smart munitions. And those munitions are the most effective actors on the battlefield. Also, satellites are the ultimate tools for reconnaissance missions. Military communication satellites are delivering orders to strategic missile submarines. That makes those satellites military targets.  And they can be like an eye that watches the ground. If military forces can destroy those communication satellites it can deny the SLBM submarines to get their launching codes. Destroying the positioning satellites makes the GPS ammunition ineffective.  Image 2:) F-15 Releases ASAT They fly high above Earth. So regular anti-aircraft systems cannot threaten satellites.  The ground-based ASAT-capable missiles are ve

How are researchers using Type 1A supernovas in dark energy and dark matter research?

Artist’s Impression of Two White Dwarf Stars Merging and Creating a Type Ia Supernova.  How Artificial intelligence researches dark energy and dark matter? The Pantheon+ project collects data from the Type 1A supernovae, and then the data system makes a database about that collected data. Then artificial intelligence compares those data units with each other. In that case, every single Type 1A supernova is one data unit. And Partheon+ database contains data on over 1500 stellar explosions called Type 1A supernovas.  The Type 1A supernova is happening in the binary star system. And if researchers are lucky they can capture the data about the impacts of two white dwarfs. That kind of impact makes it possible, that astronomers can observe so-called, cold or dark shockwaves. In that case, the brightness of exploding star doesn't cover the possible halo of dark matter.  Type 1A supernovas happen in binary star systems where another pair is different than the brighter participant. And if

Flaming plant in autumn.

  That bush that seems flaming brings one interesting thought to my mind. Have you read the story of Moses in Holy Bible? If Moses would live in northern lands that kind of phenomenon when the colors of leaves turned bright in autumn could explain the "flaming bush" in which flames would not burn. There was no autumn in Arabia, so the explanation could be that Moses was from northern lands or somebody brought that kind of bush to Egypt.  The image above this text portrays the bush in autumn. That image brings one thing to my mind. Some ancient people had an idea about autumn.  The external heat forms life. It brings energy from the outside. If we think about the existence of the universe and material. We could deny the material's vaporization by replacing wave motion that travels out of it because of cosmic inflation. The thing that destroys material is the end of energy.  So, if we want to stop material aging we should just pump new energy into those particles. But if we

NASA's X-57 "Maxwell" all-electric aircraft can be the pathfinder for next-generation aircraft.

  Image 0) X-57 "Maxwell" The next-generation technology will turn the dream of a "one-hour world" possible also in physical form. The next-generation hypersonic VTOL systems can be more revolutionary than some SR-72 or some other systems alone.  If we think about modern technology, that thing makes it possible to create an aircraft with the capacity for hypersonic flight, low-speed flight, and vertical take-off and landing. That thing is quite easy to solve. There is needed only three series of engines.  Regular jet engines, ramjet- and scramjet engines can be used in stages. At first, the regular turbojet will accelerate the speed to Mach 1,5, where the ramjet can start. Then the ramjet will accelerate the aircraft to Mach 6-7, where the scramjet can begin its operation.  And the VTOL system can use blowers that make the aircraft operate silently above the city.  Image 1) SR-72  The systems developed for "flying cars" can use for larger-scale aviation sy

"PoNu" or portable nuclear reactors will change many things.

Portable nuclear reactors the container-size nuclear systems. The power of those reactors is less than 50 megawatts. Or 10-50 megawatts. Portable nuclear reactors make possible to create of things like scramjet-powered hypersonic aircraft possible.  Hydrogen is the best fuel in hypersonic aircraft. And portable nuclear reactors are making it possible to create hydrogen by using electrolysis.  Hydrogen can also use in cars and other vehicles as fuel. The hydrogen-powered car that uses hydrogen as fuel requires only electricity and water to create hydrogen. The thing that makes electricity for electrolysis is not important.  And the same systems that deliver electricity to electric vehicles. Can use to deliver electricity to the electrolysis chamber. The problem is how to produce that electricity without emissions.  The electrolysis chamber can be on the body of the car or aircraft. And operators can just connect the electric wire to the aircraft.  The system conducts water into the elec

The interesting thing in quantum entanglement is the string that connects superpositioned particles.

The centripetal force acts in all particles. And if the rotation speed is high enough, that thing causes the situation where even elementary particles are forming the channel.  Quantum entanglement is one of the most useful phenomena in the quantum world. In that "spooky effect of distance," the system puts the elementary particles (like photons, quarks, electrons, etc.) to oscillate in the same frequency. That means the same elementary particle is at the same time, in two different positions.  Also, things like electromagnetic fields can put to superposition. When two elementary particles are superpositioned and entangled that thing happens by using electromagnetic fields like laser rays. Photon or electron clouds are also forming electromagnetic- or quantum fields. And those things can use to put even complicated quantum systems into superposition.  Theoretically, superposition is possible also between quark groups. And theoretically, things like protons, neutrons, and othe