1.) The cosmic gamma-ray background
The idea of the Big Bang is that material formed from nothing. And maybe the Big Bang was a giant Schwinger effect where a strong electric field formed material.
The idea of the so-called Schwinger effect is that material is formed because of the strong electromagnetic field. And the thing is that the wave-particle duality supports that theory.
Before we will go to analyze the Big Bang more carefully we must understand one thing. The first thing that formed in the Big Bang was two opposite polar electromagnetic fields. Then those electromagnetic fields traveled through each other. And then that case where two electromagnetic fields crossed each other. Wave-particle duality formed the first particle pars.
Those pairs were particle-antiparticle pairs that were annihilated. That radiation formed the first quark-gluon plasma. The idea of the Schwinger effect is that when electromagnetic fields form material. There is always particle-antiparticle pair.
When we are looking at the cosmic gamma-ray image that is over this text, we can see that gamma rays are coming from a belt-like structure. And that thing means that there could be two energy rays that traveled through the universe.
If we are thinking about the animation in the next image there is a possibility that when the high energy electromagnetic fields traveled through each other those fields started to push the particles and antiparticles ahead of them. Or maybe those particles traveled behind those two fields.
2.) "As illustrated here, particle-antiparticle pairs normally pop out of the quantum vacuum as a consequences of Heisenberg uncertainty. In the presence of a strong enough electric field, however, these pairs can be ripped apart in opposite directions, causing them to be unable to reannihilate and forcing them to become real: at the expense of energy from the underlying electric field. We do not understand why the zero-point energy of space has the non-zero value that it does." (BigThink.com/70-year-old quantum prediction comes true, as something is created from nothing)
That thing could form an electromagnetic vacuum. Or a channel where quantum fields were extremely weak. Then that vacuum adjusted the energy level of particles around it. So that channel can be one reason why the universe is like we see it.
There is introduced an idea. That the oppositely shot particles can use to adjust the size of quarks and that thing can make it possible to create low-energy areas in the material. Those two particles can be used to transfer energy away from the structure. So that thing can make the ultimate stealth possible.
3.) Casimir forces on parallel plates
Casimir effect.
"In quantum field theory, the Casimir effect is a physical force acting on the macroscopic boundaries of a confined space. Which arises from the quantum fluctuations of the field. It is named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir, who predicted the effect of electromagnetic systems in 1948". (Wikipedia, Casimir effect)
Sometimes is introduced that those two electromagnetic fields acted like Casimir plates. The Casimir effect creates virtual particles between two plates that are very close to each other. Sometimes is introduced that the Casimir effect makes energy from emptiness.
Well, the Casimir effect doesn't create energy from emptiness. The idea is that when two plates are extremely close to each other the movement of electrons creates a bubble in the quantum fields of atoms. Then another quantum field or radiation affects that bubble increasing its power. Or maybe there is forming a curved electromagnetic field between Casimir plates. When outcoming radiation hits that bubble it aims that radiation at the plates.
Of course, the electron can also jump over the plate. And in that case wave motion pumps energy to that thing. Or electrons can send photon quantum. This effect is interesting because it can use to create energy also in dark places.
Image 1: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GLAST/news/gamma-ray-census.html
Image 2:) https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/something-from-nothing/
Image 3:) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect
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