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Showing posts from September, 2023

The cosmic antimatter can be one thing behind dark energy.

   The cosmic antimatter can be one thing behind dark energy.  There is a model that so-called sub-hadronic particles could be behind dark energy. Normally, people think that electrons and positrons form the particle-antiparticle pairs. But the fact is that almost every boson and fermion has anti-particle or mirror-particle pairs.  One place where antimatter is are protons. Protons are much more than just two up, and one down quarks. Inside protons are numerous particles and antiparticles that are far smaller than electrons. Annihilation also happens between those other particle-antiparticle pairs.  And that means electron-positron pairs are not only annihilating particles. The quark-anti-quark pairs can annihilate into a photon and wave movement.  Can exotic annihilation like annihilation between gluons and anti-gluons explain dark energy?  Same way. Gluons and anti-gluons or maybe neutrino-antineutrino can annihilate in, the same way as all other particle-antiparticle pairs. And mayb

Maybe the future is genetically engineered humans.

    Maybe the future is genetically engineered humans.  An imprisoned researcher who genetically modified babies believes that genetically manipulated humans are the future. When we think about genetic engineering and our genomes, we can ask why genetic engineers are not removing things like diabetes, Alzheimer and AIDS away by using genetic engineering. In the same way, somebody can ask why we don't give gene therapy for CP-handicapped and other kinds of people who have an error in their chromosomes.  Some people say that this kind of gene therapy is against morals or ethics, but in the same way, we can ask if the lives of those people are so nice that we should not fix their genomes.  Why cannot we think of things like hereditary diseases as one disease like some virus infection or something like that? The fact is this the world is full of people who have money to take gene therapy. Gene therapy can improve IQ.  And that kind of therapy gives many more abilities. The human intell

Researchers created fully synthetic embryos.

  Researchers created fully synthetic embryos.  Researchers at Weitzmann Scientific Institute created human embryos from stem cells without sperm and eggs. That kind of thing is a breakthrough in genetic research. The ability to create a human embryo from stem cells is one of the most interesting things in the world of cloning and genetic research. The "virgin born" embryo is the thing that causes very interesting thoughts about abilities to use that technology in positive and negative things.  The Weizmann-institute embryos are similar to all other embryos. And that means somebody can "steal" one of those embryos and then use that embryo for artificial insemination. Artificial embryos are meant for cancer and other types of research. But maybe some people think that those embryos offer the possibility to make artificial people for some purposes that we cannot even imagine.  Normally, when we think about genetic engineering and super soldiers that serve in the clone

Black holes paradox. Can gravity waves escape from them?

   Black holes paradox. Can gravity waves escape from them?  Black hole paradox gravitational waves cannot escape from the black hole. But black holes send gravitational waves. And if those gravitational waves are not coming from the black hole, what is their source? Is there some other "yet unknown" radiation with different wavelengths that we cannot see?  The black hole paradox is interesting. Gravity should not escape from a black hole's massive gravity field. But if that thing is true, the black hole should not be able to pull anything inside it, because gravitational interaction happens through gravity waves. So if gravity waves do not interact with particles they could not pull material into the gravitational field.  The gravitational waves are traveling gravitational fields, and that means they can interact with gravity fields. Same way electromagnetic waves have their origin in electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields can manipulate electromagnetic field'

The physics-based quantum tools will replace current AI networks.

  The physics-based quantum tools will replace current AI networks.  The future of AI is material that involves mass memories, power sources, and data storage in one entirety. The next big step in neural networks is the material-based AI where carbon-fiber-based material is turned to the computer.   The problem with regular AI-based neural networks is that the quantum computers that becoming more common will break any code that protects the neural network. And that means the future of networks is in a physics-based self-learning system. That is based on quantum computing.  The programmable materials will replace current AI networks quite soon. The simplest version of that type of neural network is the microchip, whose kernel involves the AI programs. In that model, the AI is integrated into microchips. And that makes data-handling easier for that computer. That type of structure is not a physics-based material.  But it tells about the route where the next-generation neural networks are

Chat GPT vs. Humans. The text made by Chat GPT makes it impossible to separate the text, made by humans.

 Chat GPT vs. Humans. The text made by Chat GPT makes it impossible to separate the text, made by humans.  Text that Chats GPT made is impossible to separate from human-made texts. This thing is problematic in the case of plagiarism. Another problematic thing is the thing, that even the best scanners cannot separate texts that Chat GPT made from texts that humans made. The fact is that cheaters might use the AI rather at home than in an office or they will copy-paste the text that Chats GPT made into an empty Word document. Or they can simply write the text that they see on the cell phone's screen into the documents. So even if the company denies access to the Chat GPT or Bing homepages, that will not affect things like cheating with the Chat GPT or Bing. AI is a rising tool, that has shown their potentials. And this kind of thing is always problematic because the company's purpose is to make money for its owners.  "Linguistics experts struggled to differentiate between AI

The new observation tools make a revolution in material- and biological research.

  The new observation tools make a revolution in material- and biological research.  The first image of superpositioned and entangled particles helps model ways to control them better.  The ability to control systems requires that the manipulator sees the targeted system. The top image introduces the quantum ying and yang. That is the first image of a superpositioned and entangled photon pair. These kinds of images make it possible to control quantum entanglement better than ever before.  Maybe quite soon the quantum computers can get stable quantum entanglements. The image shows that energy travels in quantum entanglement like wire travels between two rolls that roll wire from the first to the second roll. This is the reason why both particles in quantum entanglement reach the same energy level. And that breaks the entanglement.  That means the quantum entanglement doesn't seem like a pulley at all. It looks like two rolls where yarn will travel from one roll to another. And this

There is no "nothing" in the quantum world.

   There is no "nothing" in the quantum world.  The bubble theory goes like this. All material and quantum fields are one kind of bubble. And everywhere in the universe are quantum fields. Those quantum fields transport information, and there could be short and long-term vacuums or voids in those fields. When some of those voids collapse the quantum wave travels from the shell of that bubble into the middle of it. There that energy forms a standing wave and jumps back.  That thing can explain why particles can form from emptiness. The particle is like a standing wave or power field in that quantum foam. In that model, the falling bubble in quantum foam can involve "sub foam". And then the outcoming quantum field or quantum foam just tries to press that bubble in. In that case, the pressure wave will lock in a certain position.  The energy that comes outside the particle cannot press the internal energy or waves of a particle at one point. The ability to reach energy

Gravity doesn't begin instantly.

   Gravity doesn't begin instantly. Gravity, or gravitational interaction, is one of the most powerful and dominating effects of what we know. We can describe gravitational interaction as the process where two particles or objects form a bridge and that bridge or energy tunnel pulls objects together. The size and density of the object determine its gravitational field.  We can see that large and dense objects have strong gravitational fields. That thing causes an idea that quantum low pressure in the middle of the large particles causes a situation where quantum fields start to travel in the middle of the particle. The outcoming gravitational radiation causes a thing called a gravity field. The reason why gravitational interaction doesn't begin immediately is that the tunnel where gravitation interacts. This tunnel is the thing that causes gravitational interaction between dark matter and visible matter. The gravitational tunnel must form before gravitational interaction can be

Negative thinking and computing.

 Negative thinking and computing.  Vectors and inverse matrixes are ultimate combinations.  When engineers are thinking about problems, they should think through a problem. The idea is similar to vector calculations in mathematics. The idea is the opposite of the regular way, where people try to go from point A to point B by following the shortest route.  A typical vectorial way to think about things is this: the teacher wants to walk from the house's door to the car across the yard, and during that journey teacher will get a snow shower from the warehouse. The idea is that we can go from point A to point B through point C. The journey is longer but it's still a journey from point A to point B.  In data security, the vector model means that the sender system can send the cipher key into different routes or at different times for receivers. The idea is that once a day the server system sends the list of decryption algorithms to receivers. Then before the message the server sends

The next-generation quantum chip looks like a chessboard.

The next-generation quantum chip looks like a chessboard.  The ideal neural network is multiple independently operating microprocessors. The most powerful version of that kind of system is a neural quantum network. The neural quantum network is like a regular neural network. That works on binary computers.  However, the neural quantum computer is more powerful than any binary network ever can be.  The reason why researchers are working in this kind of area is that. New material types require extremely highly accurate cooperation between sensors and systems that manipulate molecules and atoms.  The brand new quantum chip makes the controlled quantum neural network closer than ever before. The new quantum chip has 16 squares. Those squares can activated by using number and letter combinations. In that model, the quantum computing system can use a similar system as a chessboard.  The chessboard-like structure where every single square is independently operating microchips. In that kind of

Shield AI successfully coordinated three Lockheed-Martin 3V-BAT drones as a team.

 Shield AI successfully coordinated three Lockheed-Martin 3V-BAT drones as a team.  This kind of experiment might not seem very impressive. The fact is this: the ability to control ultimate situations requires full cooperation between manned and unmanned systems in and over operational areas. The new systems require new tactics and countertactics. Drones have shown their capacities in the Ukraine war.  And especially, cheap cardboard drones are the tool that requires new types of counteractions. Those drones are hard to detect, and they can be loaded onto vans or even garbage trucks. Then the patrol can slip to the strike distance from the airbase.  Cardboard drones are cheap next-generation tools. They predict the next-generation military thinking. There are two routes in military systems. The first route is expensive manned systems. Those systems use quantum stealth and sophisticated systems.  Above: Three V-BAT Team (Interesting Engineering/Shield AI's 'Hivemind' control

The neural network is the mind of the tiger. The neural network is the mind of the tiger.

 The neural network is the mind of the tiger.  The difference between traditional computers and neural networks is the role of the CPU. In traditional computers, the CPU (Central Processing Unit) makes all work, and that causes limits in computing. In neural networks, the CPU preprocesses data that senses send into it. That means the CPU will just recognize the situation and then resend it to a sub-processing unit. The receiving sub-system must have responsibility for that kind of case. That means the subsystem has databases where there are reactions for certain types of events.  In neural networks, all sub-networks use sorted data. And they are meant to respond to things that senses are sending to the neural network. Each of the subnetworks has certain operational or response areas. And the CPU is like some kind of router. The system finds certain details from the data. Then it can route the information to the right subnetwork. In real life, neural networks could be multiple subnetwor

Researchers found a structure in our brain that might be responsible for cognitive functions.

 Researchers found a structure in our brain that might be responsible for cognitive functions.   The fruit flies have astonishing mathematical abilities. And the purpose of that thing is to protect them against things like parasitic wasps. The intelligence of insects is quite a new area in neurobiology. The thing that researchers noticed astonishing mathematical abilities when they researched fruit flies caused a question about those kinds of basically abstract skills "only reflexes".  Things like communal or social insects require mathematical skills to find parasitic wasps when they attempt to go inside their nest. To protect their nest bees and other social insects require information on how many bees are left from the base.  And then they must have a recognition protocol to recognize members of their swarms. They need the ability to follow their swarm mates' behavior to avoid the fungus infection. So the insects have only the skills that they need. And they need lots

Bees are making decisions more effectively than humans.

 Bees are making decisions more effectively than humans. The reason why researchers are researching the bees' nervous system is simple. Researchers can use this kind of data can use to develop next-generation AI-based infrastructures. The CPU in non-centralized neural networks only delivers missions to the system.  The idea is that the CPU (Central Processing Unit) delivers the mission to the sub-system. That can be the RISC (Reduced instruction set computer system). When we think about the human-looking robots, the pneumatic-hydraulic system and the microprocessors that control them are RISC systems.  Many times before this researchers claim that insects make faster and more precise than humans. There are a couple of reasons why insects like bees make better decisions than humans. If we compare the bees to humans bees are like RISC operators. RISC-operator is a computer that has fewer actions than a regular PC.  That makes RISC -devices more effective than PCs but their operationa

The AI takes jobs from trained people.

 The AI takes jobs from trained people. It's not a coincidence that CHat GPT and AI are becoming common things in the ICT sector. The competition in the ICT sector is very hard. And even if a person works for years for the same company, that doesn't guarantee that the ICT worker even sees other workers or talks with anybody in the workplace.  Outsourcing the ICT operations causes a situation even if a person works years for the same wage payer. The entire career feels like a series of fixed employment. Customers can offer competition once a year for ICT operators. And if own company does not get the job, that causes a situation, where those workers must change their workplace.  Remote work guarantees that the company where those ICT- people work is only the name on the salary receipt. And if that name hangs years in those papers, the workers change their working position maybe once in month or week. Some people have an attitude that ICT is the sector for people who will not get

The black swans always participate in every success in human life.

 The black swans always participate in every success in human life.  Sometimes black swan determined possible. But an extremely unlikely event. And in some other cases back swans are determined as things that are not visible to outsiders.  If we say that the white swan phenomenon is the thing that was planned. The black swan means nonplanned and nonpredicted things. And when we say that somebody has success in life, the white swan predicted and calculated things plays a big role in that thing. But nonpredicted things have at least the same size effect.  When we think about the modern way to see things we must understand that the WTC Terror strike in 9/11/2001 caused a situation where many things re-estimated. That horrible terror strike is one of the examples of large areas or global black swans. There was nothing wrong with hostage procedures and airport security, but the people who did that thing didn't predict that terrorists would commit suicide during that strike. That is one

The Pentagon has no evidence of extraterrestrial connections or physics laws breaking aerial vehicles.

   The Pentagon has no evidence of extraterrestrial connections or physics laws breaking aerial vehicles.  The Pentagon UFO paper says that AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office) continues its work. There is no evidence that the alien spacecraft are operating in the atmosphere. And the second thing is that those UFOs are not working against physics laws. If we think of things like Leonardo da Vinci's tank that structure is easy to modify into an aerial vehicle with extraordinary maneuver ability. The system requires quadcopter's rotors under it. And then those jet engines will replace those guns.  A thing that makes those UAPs or UFOs interesting is that nobody seems or even claims to own them. If some people like Vladimir Putin are behind those things they will tell that to us in Russian TV.  "A still from footage shot by a United States MQ-9 reaper drone showing what appears to be an unidentified spherical object soaring through the air. (Image credit: U.S. Dept. of

ILLUMINA-T the new high-power laser-communication system can improve and make satellite communication more powerful.

ILLUMINA-T the new high-power laser-communication system can improve and make satellite communication more powerful. ILLUMINA-T laser system uses ground-based lasers-communication tools, aimed at targets by using orbital mirrors. Laser communication systems are not so easy to jam as radio waves. Laser rays can be used as a very high-secure communication tool. In some visions, the hollow laser ray covers information carrier laser rays. Because information carriers are traveling in the hollow laser ray, stealing information is very difficult.  If somebody tries to push some sensor through the outer laser ray the system sees changes in the power of that protecting laser ray. That means they see if somebody tries to steal information by eavesdropping messages. And that makes laser communication secure.   In some versions, laser ray protects the radio maser beam in that channel. That allows the system to communicate through the wall.  The limits of the regular laser rays are that they canno

What happens to all black holes?

  What happens to all black holes?   Are gravity waves the same as Hawking's radiation?  How can photons escape from a black hole? The fact is that black holes transform all radiation that drops in it into gravitational radiation. Gravitational waves or gravitational radiation is one form of wave movement. If there is a suitable object. That can resonate with the right frequency and wavelength, it's possible to transform any fundamental interaction into another.  The reason for that is this. All four fundamental forces or fundamental interactions have wave movement and particle forms.  Chancing the wavelength of those wavelengths that bosons the transportation particles send turns the fundamental interaction into another. So changing the fundamental interaction into another like electromagnetism to weak nuclear interaction happens by changing the wavelength of those interactions.  Black holes are sending gravity waves, and gravity is one form of radiation. When Stephen Hawking