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Dark energy rips the universe into pieces.

Multiverse: again.

The multiverse can explain why there is too much energy in our universe. That energy rips the universe into pieces. Is multiverse theory or religion? The fact is that multiverse is rather a philosophical dilemma or tool than real scientific theory. It's a tool used to model, why there is so difficult to exchange information between two dominating extremely complex quantum systems. 

When we think of the universe as a complex quantum system, we should say that universe is the complicated sum of multiple internally positioned extremely complicated quantum systems. And most of that system is invisible to us.

There is the possibility that there is another universe inside our universe. In some theories, dark matter can form glimpses and even planets. But there is one problem with that theory. 

We have no confirmed contacts or observations about the dark matter. It's the possibility that in Muon G-2 tests the anomaly in the muon's trajectory caused an impact with an unknown particle. 

So could dark matter be those "unknown particles"? Nobody knows that. We have only the gravitational effect that we call dark matter. 

Dark matter and dark energy are the missing parts. And that means we can see only a small part of that system. Only less than five percent of the universe is formed of atoms. 

The expansion of the universe cause also problems for the calculations. Cosmic inflation means that the distance between particles is increasing. And that thing increases the effect of dark energy. The source of dark energy is unknown. 

Sometimes that energy is introduced being gravitational effect or scattering gravitational waves. But could gravitational waves scatter or reflect? When gravitational waves are crossing each other. That can cause they can break into pieces and reflect other gravitational waves. 

We don't know gravitational reflection. But theoretically, it's possible. Gravitation is wave motion like all other wave motions. And that means it should reflect like light. But there is no evidence about reflecting gravitational waves. The reflection of gravitational waves makes it possible to create anti-gravitation. 

And theoretically, it is possible to create a form called gravitational stealth. In gravitational stealth, the gravitational waves slide over the surface without affecting it. 

Relations of material and energy in the young universe and modern universe. "Estimated division of total energy in the universe into the matter, dark matter, and dark energy based on five years of WMAP data". (Wikipedia: Dark energy.) Image: Wikipedia: Dark energy.

In stealth planes in which stealth technology bases the soft curves radio waves slide across the surface without causing a reflection. So in those planes, the radiowaves are traveling over the target that denies the radar echo. And maybe that thing is possible to create also for gravitational waves. 

There are theories that dark energy is formed in particles. That existed just after the Big Bang. But if dark energy is radiation or wave motion that travels with the speed of light. That means that it should travel at the front of our universe. So could dark energy be the cloud of gravitons that are traveling at the front of our known universe? In that model, the Big Bang released a large number of gravitons before the quark-gluon plasma formed. 

There is the possibility that dark energy is the cross-pulling gravitational effect that the source is outside the universe. But proving that thing is at least challenging. Our universe is the remnant of a high-energy event called the Big Bang. Even if other universes: remnants of other Big Bangs exist there is the possibility that we ever see them. 

There is the possibility that around the universe where we are living is a standing gravitational wave that denies the gravitation of other universes reaching our universe. And because our universe is dominating the radiation that comes from objects in our universe covers the other universes. So that means we cannot see those universes. We cannot prove their existence. 


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