Monday, October 3, 2022

The plastic waste can turn into diamonds.

"In the experiment, a thin sheet of simple PET plastic was shot with a laser. The strong laser flashes that hit the foil-like material sample briefly heated it to 6000 degrees Celsius and thus generated a shock wave that compressed the matter to millions of times the atmospheric pressure for a few nanoseconds. The scientists were able to determine that tiny diamonds, so-called nanodiamonds, formed under extreme pressure. Credit: HZDR / Blaurock" ( Successfully Create Diamonds Out of Bottle Plastic)

Plastic is a hydrocarbon material. That means its main carbon and some other elements. In plastic, the structure where other atoms are connected is the carbon chains. Diamonds are pure carbon. Or actually, they are crystallized forms of carbon. And that means everything where carbon atoms can turn to diamonds. In the old method, the system uses a chemical reaction chamber. 

The process that turns plastic waste into diamonds is simple. Researchers can separate carbon from other atoms in the reaction chamber. And then they can make that hot carbon react in the pressure chamber. That system requires a special chemical environment. 

In the new method, the laser system shoots laser rays to plastic. That laser turns the plastic to a temperature of 6000 Celcius. And the shockwave turns that material into diamonds. This system emulates the conditions that are making diamonds in a gas giant's atmosphere. 

The ability to turn things like greenhouse gases into diamonds can use to store carbon. The greenhouse gasses can turn into diamonds by separating carbon from those molecules. Then those molecules will be put under high pressure and the shockwave will be driven through the vaporized carbon cloud. That shockwave can create by using laser rays. But also magnetic field can use in that pressurizing process. 

There is the possibility to turn carbon dioxide into diamonds. The ionized carbon with the values C3+ or C4- can be used in that process. The system can use a magnetic press that is made for the fusion tests. And then the system can simply press carbon atoms in one entirety. Magnetic systems can be much more powerful than pressure systems.


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