The first cloned arctic wolf is now 100 days old. The origin of that animal called "Maya" is in the Sinogene laboratory. Then that cloned puppy moved to Harbin, China. The purpose of that operation is to socialize it with other wolves. And then observe how the behavior of cloned animals differs from the natural-born animal. And that thing means that researchers can clone complicated animals.
Cloning wolves or mice is not different than making human clones. If we think about that thing from the point of view of science. Nothing except the law denies human cloning.
The only thing that those people must take care of is that those membrane antigens of the fetus will not cause an immune reaction that destroys the fetus. And that thing is one of the most important principles in cloning.
When we think about laws as the things that deny human cloning that thing is very weak. There are always states there is not even a lawsuit for that thing. And there are always private actors. That can make those things and who don't care about laws.
The fact is that any kind of cell or cell group can transform into any animal that researchers want. They must just change the genomes or the DNA from the nucleus of that cell. Then they must just find the womb that can carry this clone.
The thing is that artificial wombs are very easy to make. And the fetus can grow in that thing. The only thing that fetus must get is the nutrient and oxygen.
When somebody says that the cloned animals or species are not the species that they were, they are not right or wrong. If the DNA can be perfectly isolated and multiplied, this makes it possible to return extinct species like mammoths to nature. But if there are lots of lost sequences in the DNA. That thing turns more complicated.
There is no junk DNA. The DNA that is not used very often contains information that controls the advancement of the nervous system. And if we want to clone the dinosaurs we don't know which DNA sequences control certain actions or parts in the body of that dinosaur.
If we will try to replace missing parts of the DNA we should have the genetic material that we can use to compile for finding the purpose of certain DNA sequences. There is the possibility that researchers map the DNA:s of modern reptilians. And then they can find sequences that control certain parts of its advancement.
There is a possibility to make the cloned reptilians where certain DNA sequences are removed. And then that thing makes it possible to see where that missing base-pair sequence causes anomaly. Then those sequences will compile with the dinosaur DNA. And similar DNA sequences can control similar things in the modern reptilian and dinosaurs.
But then we must realize that modern reptilian are more advanced than dinosaurs. Modern reptilians are more intelligent and more compact than some Jurassic predators. The T-rex that escaped from some laboratory is not a very comfortable thought.
Image: Pinterest
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