Monday, October 10, 2022

The gravitational waves. And the other dimensions.

Is gravitation echo from some low-energy level material?

The law of information says that information cannot vanish. It can just turn its form. So the fourth and the second dimensions are the modes or encrypted spaces of material. And we cannot see that material because it cannot interact with three-dimensional material. 

The material is turning to wave motion. Sooner or later the energy level of all particles should turn so low that they are turning flat. In that case, the second dimension is the reality of the flat particles that have only length and width. But that material has no depth or height at all. That means that the superstrings that form material are 2-dimensional structures. An increase in energy level makes them blow like a ball. 

And that brings the third dimension which is depth to that material. So sooner or later the wave motion that travels in the universe touches those 2-dimensional superstrings. And that thing will send wave motion through the universe. Or in some other models, the reason why the gravitational radiation seems to travel the wrong way is that the particle's energy level drops so low that our three-dimensional universe cannot keep it inside the third dimension.

When the energy level of the material is turning low enough. It falls away from the quantum system. So when material falls out from the quantum system called the third dimension that forms a hole in the bottom of the minimum energy level of the quantum system. And that hole pulls the superstrings in it. That thing could also explain why gravitational waves travel in the wrong direction. 

Gravitation is wave motion that travels in the universe. And the reason why gravitation pulls objects to the gravitational centers is that the object rides with those waves. The reason why gravitational waves travel in the wrong direction is a mystery. And one reason can be that there is some kind of hole in the dimension. 

When we are talking about the second or the fourth dimension we must realize that the material and information in those dimensions exist. But it's encrypted in a form that we cannot observe or e cannot realize it. 

If we are in the middle of the quantum system there is a minimum energy level in that system and if the object's energy level will turn too low. That thing drops through the bottom of the quantum system. 


The second dimension: is "The flat dimension". The energy level in those particles is too low that the third dimension cannot keep them inside. And they drop out from the third dimension. 

The third dimension is the space where we are living and what we can observe.


The fourth dimension is the space where the energy level is too high. And it jumps out from the third dimension. When the particle moves out from the third dimension or quantum system where we live. It doesn't just vanish. The information just turns to the mode that it cannot interact with the visible material otherwise than gravitational superstrings. 

There is the theory that dark matter is the material that is just in (or below) the minimum energy level of the universe. That means the gravitational effect of that material remains. 

We are in the middle of the extremely complicated quantum system called the universe. And there is a minimum energy level that allows the material can interact with its environment. 

Same way as the case that the energy level of the particles turns too high and the system cannot keep them inside it the system cannot keep the particle because the energy level is too low inside it. When a particle falls away from the quantum system it leaves a hole behind it. 

If the energy level of the material turns too high or too low that we cannot see it or it leaves the three-dimensional universe or the third dimension. That doesn't mean that the information is gone or lost. The energy just encrypts it in the form that we cannot see it. Or we cannot understand what we are seeing. 

The law of information says that information cannot vanish. It can just turn its form. So the fourth and the second dimensions are the modes or encrypted spaces of material. And we cannot see that material because it cannot interact with three-dimensional material. That means that things can give the possibility to create super powerful technology. 


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