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Showing posts from August, 2023

Quantum devices can slow down chemical reactions.

 Quantum devices can slow down chemical reactions.  Why does somebody want to slow chemical reactions? The reason for that is simple. When the system can adjust the speed at which compounds between atoms and molecules are forming the system can control those processes better. The ability to create complicated molecules is important in nanomechanics. If the system can connect certain nutrients in certain molecules.  The Van der Waals forces are playing a key role in nanotechnology. And actually, nanomachines are Van der Waals molecules. Van der Waals molecules are complicated structures that researchers use to create new complex molecular structures.  That allows us to make new types of medicines. And nanomachines can clean nervous systems from plaque in the next generation of medicines. Nanotechnology has multiple solutions in the computing, medical, engineering, and also in the military applications. Nanotechnology requires that the system can control chemical compounds between atoms

The new Python profiler increases the power of Python very much.

 The new Python profiler increases the power of Python very much.  The Python language is an effective but slow programming tool. Python is a very popular tool in network programming. But because it's slow it is problematic in complicated solutions that run on network-based decentralized platforms. Things like AI-based Bing and Chat GPT are making programming very easy, and they can create very complicated solutions in any public and open programming language. However, those programming tools do not remove the limits of the programming language itself.  In complex and complicated solutions the program is divided into cells. Each of those cells involves different types of information. And each of those cells is responsible for certain reactions. Another reason for cell-based programming is simple. If one of those cells is corrupt that minimizes damage.  The problem with AI is how it can select the right cell. If AI selects a cell from an interface that controls the physical machines

Integrated AI is the tool of the next generation.

 Integrated AI is the tool of the next generation.  Do you know what a kernel is? Kernel is the border computer program that connects hardware to software in computers. The kernel is the code that microchips and other components use when they interact with each other.  The integrated AI means that the AI is integrated with microchips or their control program. That thing means that the kernel turns into AI. And that could mean that the Chat GPT type program is programmed straight in microchips.  That allows the computer to program other computers and robots. And that ability makes that kind of combination super hot.  The Chat GPT is a chatbot. That means it will not control the robots themselves. But that system can create program code that can control robots when they are operating. This ability makes robots flexible and adapts tools because the AI can modify their control codes anytime. That it can adapt to the environment.  The flexible neuro-network is like brains. The thing, that d

Does an electron have poles?

  Does an electron have poles?  The quantum entangled electrons created a quantum magnet or triplon. That quasiparticle caused an idea about the question: Is there some kind of asymmetry in the electron's poles? Electron is a negative particle, which has multiple negative poles. That thing causes spin 1/2 that is common for one, or monopolar fermions. Because an electron has multiple poles that deny its full rotation.  Artistic illustration depicts magnetic excitations of cobalt-phthalocyanine molecules, where entangled electrons propagate into triplons. Credit: Jose Lado/Aalto University ( Triplons: Scientists Create Artificial Quantum Magnet With Quasiparticles Made of Entangled Electrons) "A single point in space can rotate continuously without becoming tangled. Notice that after a 360-degree rotation, the spiral flips between clockwise and counterclockwise orientations. It returns to its original configuration after spinning a full 720°." (Wikip

Creative people are less bored than others.

 Creative people are less bored than others.  Social media, social networks, and neural networks are parts of the same thing. Computer and Internet-based social networks are not separate from the real world. If we verbally hurt somebody in an online game situation that person is very sad. Social media is part of our social network and everything that we say in that digital and virtual world reflects our physical world.  Creative people always do something. They think and things like painting, writing, and other kinds of things give them something to do even in cold and dark autumn evenings. Creative thinking gives those people one thing, that is strange to others. That thing makes creative people find interesting things also in times when there is not very much to do.  And when a creative person sees something, that thing causes a reaction where those people must just tell something to others. Creative and innovative person is not always the same thing. Creative people can make things

Can we someday replace the Haber process, (also called the Haber-Bosch process) as an ammonia source by using nano- and biotechnology?

Can we someday replace the Haber process, (also called the Haber-Bosch process) as an ammonia source by using nano- and biotechnology?  Haber-Bosch synthesis is the prime method for making ammonia. Ammonia is the primary nitrogen source for plants. The problem with the Haber-Bosch process is that it requires lots of energy. Another problem is that ammonia is a poisonous gas.  Biotechnology can maybe replace Haber-Bosch process.  There is a possibility that nitrogen-fixing bacteria can released to the ground before farms will sow corn. The other version is that the nitrogen-fixing bacterium  (Diatzotoph)  can connect to the plant's roots by using small nanotechnical robots. Those robots will transport the hollow "pearls" where those nitrogen-fixed bacteria live to the roots of those plants.  The nitrogen-fixing bacterium can isolate nitrogen straight from the air. That means the pearls where those nitrogen-fixing bacterium live may connect to the plant's roots. Then sm

Everything in us is in our DNA.

 Everything in us is in our DNA.  When we think about the topology of the DNA and its connections with climate and environment we must realize that our bodies and our cells cannot match with all types of environment. Things like chemical environment and animal poisons can also affect things which skin color is the best. If animals like snakes are creating white poison, the black skin is better. But if the major toxic agent is black that thing is easier to see from white skin. Also, things like blood leaks are better visible on blond skin.  Genetic adaptation makes African people black because dark pigment protects cells against sunlight. But why do northern people have white skin? The reason for that is in the environment, at spring the snow and sun create scattering light and the dark skin cannot protect cells against powerful UV light. And also dark skin can cause situations.  Where cells are overheating in changes of temperature. In cold weather, people must protect themselves again

Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers.

Chat GPT outperforms university students as text producers.  The Chat GPT is a very good tool. It outperforms many things and the next-generation coders and other workers might only advise to Chat GPT or some of its successors and the AI makes the calculations and codes for the person who uses it. So maybe Chat GPT is the end of the era of coders or analysts.  When we think about students, they have to learn to work with the newest possible tools. The business and military environments require flexibility and effective tools. The purpose of studies is to give a person the capacity to operate in real-life business and technical environments. Nobody sits in school forever.  We know that some students are cheating. But those students cheat anyway. That means the Chat GPT is a system that requires an honest attitude. Students are cheated throughout history. The most common way to cheat in studies is to hire some other person to do their work. And that means the AI just gives that possibili

Terahertz radiation and acoustic beams can offer fundamental communication tools.

 Terahertz radiation and acoustic beams can offer fundamental communication tools.  Terahertz radiation is key to fundamental communication.  Things like ECM (Electronic Counter-Measure)-systems can be used to disturb. And even deny radio frequency-based communication. This is the reason why researchers are investigating replacements for radio-based communication. Also, things like solar wind affect high-speed radio communication.  Also, the plasma field can deny entire radio communication. This is the reason why researchers are seeking a replacement for radio waves. The optical and acoustic systems are less vulnerable to plasma-based countermeasures.  The is two different type of systems that can transmit data through air with very high accuracy. The first system uses terahertz lasers for data transmission. The terahertz-laser communication base technology connects terahertz sensors and terahertz lasers. The terahertz laser can send information through walls.  We know that terahertz s

The neuron densities in the cortex area follow a consistent distribution pattern.

 The neuron densities in the cortex area follow a consistent distribution pattern. The consistent distribution pattern, or Gaussian pattern, is the key element of modern mathematics. The consistent distribution model of neuron distribution in the cortex determines everything our brain can do. The cortex is the key element in productive thinking. And the distribution of cell types determines what our cortex can do. Some skills that neurons have are determined by their genomes. Researchers have noticed that fruit flies have extraordinary numerical abilities. That thing means that the DNA determines what skills neurons have. All neurons are not similar. And when we are learning something, we transport that information to our neurons. But then all of us realized that we don't learn all skills in the same way. Some of us learn math easily, but things like languages are harder to learn. And that means we are learning things differently. That thing causes the idea that we can teach any sk

The gravitational engines and the technology of the future

  The gravitational engines and the technology of the future Ion and gravitational engines are the technologies of the future. The esoteric ion engine is the system that creates things like anion clouds near the craft. That anion cloud pulls the craft to them. That thing requires a situation where the craft, which can be some kind of airship, is equipped with a stick magnet. The system shoots anions or ions near that craft. And then the magnet turns its N or S pole toward those ions. The idea is that those ions pull the craft to them. In some visions, things like extremely low-energy particles can be used to make crafts to travel to them. The idea is that the low-energy particles make the gas and energy flow to them. And that movement pulls the craft toward those low-energy particles. The gravitational engine The weaker point in the Earth's gravitational field at the Indian Ocean is interesting because the same phenomenon that is behind that weaker gravitational area can exist stro

The ability to make single photons is vital for quantum computers.

The ability to make single photons is vital for quantum computers. Controlling complex systems requires that system operators have complete knowledge of the system and its interactions. The problem with error correlation in quantum computers is that the qubits and quantum systems are much more sensitive to outside effects than binary computers. The other problem is that the anomaly that causes a calculation error can also happen during the second calculation. Things like gravity waves are global anomalies that affect all quantum computers. And that thing means that all quantum computers can calculate wrong at the same moment. The big problem is also that quantum computers are the only things that can check and find errors in another quantum computer's solutions. Binary computers make the same 45-year calculations that quantum computers can make in seconds. And that thing means that outside things like torrents of gravity waves can destroy all the results that the Quantum systems pr

The MIT researchers controlled quantum randomness.

  The quantum randomness means that the system status is not preordered before measurement. And the problem with that thing is that measurement requires energy from the system. So every time we try to measure the system, we affect its status. We don't know the system status before measurement. And that makes this thing problematic. Quantum computing requires precise and full knowledge of the system. Because if there is some kind of random actor that affects qubits, The base of the qubit is in superposition with an elementary particle. When we think about quantum technology, that means there are dents in the elementary particle or its quantum field. The spin means that there is a possibility that the position of those dents is very hard to predict. And the quantum systems require full control of the qubits. If the system can control the positions of those small dents or potholes. The other thing is that we cannot measure the depth of those quantum potholes before measurement. If the

What is the nature of dark matter?

Gravitation may interact through dark matter. And that means dark matter or its hypothetical particle WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) is the connector between gravitation and visible material.  We can think that all objects act similarly when they travel through space. When a high-speed object travels in gas, it forms a low-pressure cone behind it. In the same way, when a particle travels in spacetime, there is a similar low-pressure quantum vacuum behind it.  When particles or objects travel in spacetime. There is always a low-pressure channel behind them. If we think that the gravitational center pulls objects very hard into it through gravitational strings, there is also another quantum cone behind that particle. The graviton that could be an extremely small particle doesn't make exceptions with this thing.  Graviton itself may be WIMP or the WIMP is the next particle between graviton and maybe gluon. The thing is that WIMP could be the gate to the fourth dimension or

Could white holes exist?

Could white holes exist, and why can't we see them? Mathematically, white holes or anti-black holes exist, but they are extremely unstable. The thing is that the white hole might misunderstand some of those visions. A white hole is theoretically the opposite of a black hole. It's the point where the material comes out of the wormhole that is the quantum energy channel through spacetime. The white hole has singularity, as well as black holes, do, but the white hole acts oppositely to black holes. Time dilation stops time at the point of the white hole. That means we can only see flashes, and then we would travel through that thing in time. So when particles come out of the wormhole, they release their extra energy as a shockwave that we can see as a flash. "White holes are theoretical cosmic regions that function in an opposite way to black holes. (Image credit: Future/Adam Smith)" ( white holes actually exist?) ( white holes actually exis

Black holes and the fourth dimension

  Black holes and the fourth dimension There are many stories and hypotheses about the phenomenon called the fourth dimension. We could say that the fourth dimension is just the energy level where material stops interacting with visible material. That means hypothetical dark matter particles or WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive particles) are closer to the fourth dimension than visible particles. And the reason would be that WIMPs are higher energy particles than visible particles.  In some stories, some kind of granite plate acts like a gate to the fourth dimension. If we want to make a model of this hypothetical material, we might think that it's the quantum material, where quantum-sized black holes. Are trapped in that material. When somebody comes near that quantum wall, black holes pump energy into that object, and then the rising energy level cuts the connection between those particles and the third dimension. In some models, this material could be silicone or fullerene balls

New observations about binary star systems there are only regular stars show that gravitation breaks at low acceleration.

New observations about binary star systems there are only regular stars show that gravitation breaks at low acceleration. Does dark matter play a bigger role in gravitation than we thought? Is it possible that gravitation does not interact straight with visible material? In some models, gravitation interacts with dark matter. And dark matter acts medium between gravitation and visible material.  So could dark matter be the lost fifth fundamental force? Or could dark matter be close to that fifth force? If that model is true the fifth force could be interaction between dark matter particles.  So the model of the gravitational interaction goes like this.  Gravitation>>>Dark matter>>>Visible materia.  And the fifth force could be the interaction between dark matter particles.  This is one question that MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) can answer. Is it possible that dark matter is the thing that pulls particles into the gravitational center? The idea is not very common

There is a possibility that LK-99 couldn't reach superconductivity at room temperature. But it still can be a revolutionary compound.

But that material is very interesting from the point of view of quantum computing. The superconducting material allows information can keep it while it travels in those wires. The LK-99 might not be a superconductor at room temperature. But it can be a game changer in many superconducting areas.  Uranus' rings are the model for a next-generation generator that orbits the planet. This generator uses superconducting metal wires to harvest energy from the magnetic field.  In some visions, the planets like Uranus and Earth can surround using superconducting wires. Those superconductors would orbit the planet through its poles and collect energy from its magnetic field. The model of that system is the rings of Uranus.  There would be three metal wires that rotate or orbits that planet internally in opposite directions. Those extremely thin wires can create energy far away from the sun. That kind of generator can harvest energy from the planet's magnetic fields.  Pictures 2 and 3: Ur

The new X-ray nanosatellite group will research black holes and neutron stars.

RIKEN sends nanosatellite swarms to space to observe and research the X-ray targets. "The satellite results from a collaboration between Japan's RIKEN research institution, Mitsui Bussan Aerospace, and mission integrator Kongsberg NanoAvionics (NanoAvionics). Those satellites will orbit Earth on LEO (Low Earth Orbiter) (InterestingEngineering/New X-ray nanosatellite to study black holes, neutron stars) The SpaceX Transporter 9 mission will send those satellites later this year. The name of those satellites is NinjaSat X-ray. And probably in the future, similar satellite swarms with gamma-ray sensors start to orbit our planet. The X-ray nanosatellite groups are interesting tools.  The group of those small-size satellites can make observations about the X-ray objects around the universe. And they also can open new visions of intensive black hole research. It is possible that in the future. The X- and gamma-ray satellite groups offer similar resolution in those radiation areas as