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Showing posts from November, 2022

Discoveries can explain why magnetars have so strong magnetic fields.

"The study of the sound speed has revealed that heavy neutron stars have a stiff mantle and a soft core, while light neutron stars have a soft mantle and a stiff core – much like different chocolate pralines. Credit: Peter Kiefer & Luciano Rezzolla" ( Chocolate Pralines: Physicists’ Surprising Discovery About Neutron Star Structure) Even if neutron stars are rotating at extremely fast speeds. Sound travels in those extremely thick objects. Sound is an oscillation of atoms, subatomic particles, and molecules. And soundwaves are traveling in neutron stars almost like in all other particles. Except in neutron stars sound means the oscillation of the neutron's quantum fields. And that thing makes that thing very interesting.  When the jet of another neutron star impacts with another neutron star it can put it to resonate. That resonance is possible especially if the neutron star's core is stiff.  The light neutron stars have a soft mantle and st

Ions are playing a key role in the future fusion reactor.

In an ion-based fusion reactor, the system can shoot ions and anions against each other by using the ion cannons that are shooting ions from different sides. Or the magnetic plates can pull ions and anions together from above and below. Then the system can shoot a laser ray to those ions. Theoretically is possible to create a magnetic field that is powerful enough that it can form a fusion reactor.  The future fusion reactor can use ions for making fusion. The problem is how to handle the plasma at extremely high temperatures. In those temperatures, the heat of the plasma brakes the entirety.  Along with monopolar ions will push deuterium and tritium away from each other. The magnetic field pushes those ions together, but the problem is that when the magnetic press ends radiation with magnetic repel will push those particles away from each other.  The problem is that when fusion starts the energy level in the fusion material that rotates in the reactor will expand. The rising energy in

Topology, data science, and free energy make new intelligent materials possible.

The key element in the nano-scale computers and microchips is to create enough small data images and keep those data images in the form. If we want to create liquid machines that can take any form. There is a need to create different individual data images for each entirety's participant.   If we want to create a liquid machine that can take any form researchers can use two methods.  *Silicon-based nanomachines *Computer- and nanomachine-controlled cells. Those cells can involve nanomachine that encodes data to the cell's DNA. That kind of system can create an artificial chorale.  When the cyborg cells are in the correct position relative to each other. And an entirety makes the right form. The system will get the order to create the core. And that thing can turn biological cyborg material from theory to reality.  ******************************************** When researchers are developing new intelligent materials that can change their form and fix themselves. Those people nee

The black holes, and what is their relationship with eternity?

Could the Schwinger effect in black holes be the source of mysterious Hawking radiation?  Is there some outcoming radiation that comes out from the black hole? And could that thing turn the event horizon invisible? Could that outcoming radiation be the thing called "dark energy"? If that strange wave motion is coming from the fourth dimension. That radiation is invisible to detect. There is the possibility that dark energy tunnels through superstrings that are forming all elementary particles.  There is a theory that black holes are particles. That is in the fourth dimension. The idea is that when a particle jumps to the fourth dimension or otherways saying energy level that means the fourth dimension. It leaves a hole behind it. That hole is the channel where the radiation from that fourth dimension comes from that super-high energy level.  And the reason why we cannot see the singularity is that there is some kind of counter-radiation or wave motion that will pull energy fr

Researchers extend the lifetime of the qubit.

  Image 1: Molecular qubit Researchers extended the lifetime of the molecular qubits. Many things are making molecular qubits interesting tools in quantum computing.  Researchers can create molecular qubits by putting some atoms (like krypton, helium, gold, etc.) in the fullerene molecule. Then they are driving information to that atom. Then that atom sends the information to the fullerene core. And after that, the fullerene core will transmit the data to the multiple receiving sensors. If that system uses a C60 molecule. That allows the creation of a qubit that has 60 channels.  Image 2: C60 Fullerene Also, receivers have numbers. The system uses numbered data segments. So the data line will delete all other segments than the segment whose number matches the number of the data line. So when data arrives at line 5 the receiver destroys all other data segments than segment number 5. And that allows putting the data row into pieces. Then the system turns the data row into a line.  The th

Cloud castles and reality.

What is reality?  Above this text is the image that portrays a castle that is above the clouds. What if we spend our entire life in that castle?  What kind of reality is to those fictional isolated characters?  If all contacts with the other world are stories that visitors tell? The big question about the universe is, could there be other universes? And the big answer is that we don't know, and probably, we never will know about that thing. So multiverse, metaverse, and parallel universes are theories, nothing else than theories. Some people are saying that our universe is typical. This question causes another question about reality.  There are two types of reality.  1) Confirmed reality 2) Not confirmed reality We live in a universe that is the only known universe in space. We don't have any single observations about other universes. And we can say that we are in the "typical universe" because we cannot see other universes. The situation, in this case, is similar whe

In 1992 Donated twin embryos were successfully born.

Researchers put 1992 identical twin embryos in the cryostat. And today those twins were born. Those embryos were gifted to science, and then they are stored in nitrogen. These kinds of experiments are interesting.  Those embryos are aborted before researchers stored them in liquid nitrogen. And then, after 30 years, they were born. These kinds of things are interesting things.  Because the researchers must guarantee the parent's position. And that thing includes the children's right to know about their background. There is the possibility that those people feel anger against their biological parents.  In that case, there is a possibility. That this kind of research is limited to the deliverer's lifetime. That means the researchers should make those research must do after the deliverers are dead. This kind of thing is serious. We must concern about the human rights of those born children.  When we think about embryos, that returned to life after spending 30 years in liquid n

The Internet connects but also separates people.

Automatized AI-based language translators like Google Translate make all of us language specialists. This kind of AI-based solution can translate almost every text or speech into any other language. When that kind of system translates speech, it uses speech to text-application, then it translates the language to English. And after that, it translates English into some other language.  These kinds of tools are effective and free translation tools. And they are easy to use. So they are making social media applications more effective and fun. But the language and Internet are also making this kind of system dangerous. We must realize that language is not just spoken words. Language is body language but it's also culture. And if people don't realize that, it can cause problems. The thing is that people must realize that some other people might have different cultural backgrounds. And that person might have different opinions.  At this point, people misunderstand that we always must

How are the material and space formed?

When we think about space and material we can say that material is only a dense part of space. That means there is something that makes space denser at the point where is material. And that thing makes the material so interesting.  Material is not separate from space and the universe the bubble that involves all known material. So the material is part of the universe. Not separated from it. And the universe is part of a bigger entirety called space.  Nobody knows what is outside the universe. There could be a cosmic vacuum where is only wave motion. That travels away from the universe. That vacuum pulls the universe larger and larger.  In this model time is the energy. When the universe expands it turns colder and colder.  This process continues until the universe reaches energy same energy level as the space around it. When the energy in the universe ends. And all particles turn to wave motion. At that moment, the universe's existence as the quantum system ends.  Of course, somebo

The ICT-business: the symbol of the plastic time.

Image: Pinterest Plastics are the synonym for disposable products. Plastic crocks or plastic clogs were once megatrends. Crock-shoes were single-used if we compare them with real clogs. And that thing is one example of products that are made of plastic. Crock-shoes would not stand so long as real clogs. But they became one of the megatrends.  When we think about plastic and ICT business. We are in the middle of the plastic world. This text is written using a plastic computer. The man who writes this text sits on a plastic chair. And that man looks at the plastic clock. That tells when it's time to meet the boss.  The characteristic of the ICT business is single-use programmers. Replacing programmers or coders in this business is very easy. Those people are learning some new megatrends in this business.  Then the new megatrend replaces the old one. And the new thing requires new skills. And that means the old worker's skills are old-fashion. So changing the programming environme

Today borders are higher than ever before. Or are they?

Many people believe, or think, that national borders are the only borders in the world. The highest of all borders is the economical border. Even though we live in republics, we all have the right to go to school, and we are all equal people at the front of the law. We are facing economical inequality.  When we are thinking about social inequality. We must ask: is that some kind of new thing? Or are people aware, that there is some problem with our beloved society? When we think about average salaries there are high-class directors whose salary is far above the average worker's salary.  Even if we are not a class society where some kind of background guarantees some kind of position, we must realize that people who are born into wealthy families have a better chance to get better positions in working life. They know more high-class leaders who are offering better positions to those people who know more leaders. And people who have high positions in companies offer higher positions

The world is in the deepest crisis in its history. But why is this crisis so deep?

Is the world really in crisis? Or are we realizing or understanding the crisis in new ways when the internet brings them even into our bedrooms?  We all say that the internet brings crisis to our living rooms. But does the internet make the crisis more difficult to handle than they were before the internet? So is our world in its deepest crisis? Or have we just become aware of the crisis? That is an interesting question. How would we manage a crisis like the war in Ukraine?  Otherwise, the internet is bringing new and powerful changes to society. The problem is that the Internet is causing turbulence. And nobody can control this kind of change. So managing this scale of change is impossible. Legislation is behind technical advances. And there are billions of users of international networks. But the international networks are also giving the possibility to deliver false information.  And one other thing that makes the Internet different than any other information delivery tool is that w

What do you think about reality?

In the past, reality just was. Term reality meant the observations that our senses sent to us. And we believed that reality was stable. And it was the same for everyone. Then we realized the differences in our senses like color blindness. But also, differences in our experiences adjust the way we see things. Things like feelings are modifying our way to see reality. And that thing means that reality is not stable or static for all of us.  Things like feelings are ordering who we are feeling certain things. Feelings are subjective things. The experiences are making something very funny, and positive things to somebody. But then another person can feel the same thing very negatively.  When somebody feels falling in love is a very positive thing. There is one person who might feel that thing very negatively. And that is the ex-lover of our new honey.  In the past researchers thought that somebody just fell in love. But modern neural scientists are researching what kind of effect causes th

The standardized probability variable and its role in the study

We are all heard of the standard probability variable. But many people do not know what this thing means. The "standard variable" means the criteria used for choosing the participants or actors for research. The ability to handle those variables is the thing that gives results to the researcher.  When the researcher makes research. One of the key elements to getting real information out from research is to know what those "standard probability variables are". The researcher must know the research team's criteria for selecting the sample. That is under research. When researchers are researching things like viruses they must realize one thing.  HIV infection makes all organisms dangerous for those patients. Same way. That is one version of the co-effect that boosts the effect of the primary variable.  In COVID-19 statistics the primary variable is COVID-19. But co-variables ("booster variables") are HIV infection or weak immune defense.   If the patient

Could dark energy be the pushing and dark matter pulling gravitational effect?

The dark interaction and antigravitation.  The standing gravitation wave that makes impacting gravitational waves reflect can be the key to antigravitation or pushing gravitational effect.  Are dark matter and dark energy two-way interactions of gravitation? So could dark energy be antigravitation and dark matter be gravitation in the form we know it? If that thing is true that means gravitation has similar two-way interaction.  All other fundamental forces have two-way interaction and they push and pull particles. So why the dark energy cannot be the hypothetical antigravitation or pushing gravitation? And dark matter could be the regular pulling gravitation.  *Dark energy is energy that rips the universe into pieces.  *Dark matter is the mysterious gravitational effect that keeps dwarf galaxies in one structure. Nobody has seen dark matter. And the only known interaction between dark matter and visible matter is gravitation.  *So the name of the dark matter should be dark gravitation

Quantum entanglement and the expansion of the universe

There is a small possibility that the universe's expansion is the reason for the cloud of extremely small particles that are superpositioned and entangled. Those particles could be gravitons, the hypothetical transportation particles of gravitation. There is a possibility that the graviton involves all particles that have mass.  If the size and energy level of those yet unknown particles are precise same the quantum entanglement that forms between them is starting to push those particles away from each other.  If that thing is true. That hypothetical extremely small, yet unknown particle is in every single quark that thing explains the dark energy, and the reason why we cannot observe that energy is simple. Dark energy is virtual energy.  *When we research material and its smallest particles. We are facing one interesting thing. There must be the "final particle" the form or the thing that is involved in all particles.  *If there is quantum entanglement between those part

Can we someday transplant the brain from one body to another?

The thing is that transplant a head straight from one body to another is not possible because the immune defense destroys the transplant. Also, the spinal cord is hard to connect. And because the spinal cord cannot make them grow together, because immune defense destroys those cells. Making a working head transplant is not possible. The immune system is the thing that made Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov's (1870-1932) experiments in the 1920s impossible. But Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov was a pathfinder. He made the dog's head live in the machine for a couple of days. And that thing can use for making surgical operations on the body.  Then that body can reconnect with the own body of the person. The only thing is how to connect the spinal cord. If the person has large-scale injuries the head can remove. And then medical staff can cure the body and remove things, like some poisons. The head can connect to the heart-lung machine when the operators work with the body. The idea is that separation o

Could graviton be one or two quantum-size black holes?

Another model that could explain why gravitation is so special.  Above this text is an image of the black hole. But that image could be the image of a quark. In some scenarios, the graviton is a small black hole inside the quantum field. The quantum tornado forms the point where that radiation pushes the quantum field away. So there is the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls the quantum field to the ball-shaped form. But there is also another version of the graviton and its interactions.  The hypothetical graviton particle that should transport gravitation may be two quantum size black holes. That thing causes a quantum field whose shape is similar to the magnetic field that forms around a rod magnet. Those quantum-size black holes would be the south pole against the north pole. And there is forming a quantum tornado around those two black holes.  Then the quantum fields are forming the lightning structure or superstring structure. That is looking like a whisk. When those black holes tha

Could gravitation form when quarks are moving back and forth?

There is one forgotten version of the gravitation theory. The idea in this theory is gravitation forms when particles inside protons and neutrons oscillate. When the size or the distance of those particles changes. That thing forms an effect that is like a pump. So the gravitational effect forms when quarks are moving back and forth inside their quantum field. If that movement forms gravitation, it will explain things like gravitational waves.  When the distance of quarks inside protons and neutrons expands, that motion forms quantum low pressure between those particles. That low pressure causes the electromagnetic- or quantum fields are dropping between those particles. So could that thing be gravitation? That explains why planets are the gravitational centers.  There are lots of protons and neutrons. And when the quarks that form those particles are moving back and forth that thing causes an electromagnetic pumping effect where the force of the quantum field between those particles c