Wednesday, October 12, 2022

A metaverse is a fascinating tool that will revolutionize the business environment.

Innovation is the key element in the modern business environment. The metaverse is the place where the company can test its products without making physical models. 

The idea of the metaverse comes from the interface that can move the cursor that is visible on the screen. The idea is that the camera follows the laser point on the projected screen. And then that camera sends the information where the laser point is to the computer. When the person pushes the left button the will flash the laser. And the right button will flash another laser ray. That emulates the push of the right button. 

The camera will send information about those flashes to the computer. The same technology can work with HUD classes. The system must just be known what point of the image is in the certain point of HUD classes. The simplest way to make that thing is to use the camera that is inside the HUD classes. And then, the user can point the laser point to the wall. 

In the places like playing computer games or in aircraft where a static screen is in front of the operator can just turn their head and point the laser pointer at the right point of the screen. The WEB camera at the front of the operator sees when that person blinks their eyes. And that thing is translated as the push of the mouse buttons. 

When somebody creates things like the metaverse there must be some kind of motivation for that thing. The metaverse could be an ultimate platform that can use for multiple things. 

Mixed reality is the ability to interconnect the senses of robots to the VR systems. Metaverse is forming of stable and shared 3D virtual spaces. But the fact is that those virtual spaces can involve elements from real life. That means robots that are operating outside can send their sensory data to the walls of those virtual spaces. 

Or there could be an image of a virtual computer that screen connected to the network surveillance cameras. When a user travels in those virtual spaces by using an avatar or virtual body, that person can fly in that virtual environment. The virtual body can connect to the hologram and small drone that can give the image that makes the person the bird-perspective view and turns the user into a virtual superman. 

If there is a camera system. That follows the hologram. And a person uses systems that give the synthetic feel that thing can make those holograms ultra-realistic touch. When a hologram touches a wall or another hologram that system gives a feel of touch. The system requires four cameras that are around the hologram and interconnected with the server. 

Above the Compiz Fusion that user interface might seem cool in VR glasses, and maybe metaverse would look a little bit like this. The user flies in there and opens virtual screens. The person can make many things that are impossible in real life. If the metaverse is connected with clothes that are giving the synthetic feel of touch. That thing turns into another reality. 

Metaverse means one version of so-called mixed reality. That thing means the virtual reality that connects elements from the virtual and real environments. And that platform is the tool that can make it possible to put architectural plans in a position where they would be in real life. 

So people can see what the house looks like when it is ready. But metaverse can also make it possible to make new kinds of network business. When somebody buys clothes the system must just scan the person. 

That scanning can make by using a mobile telephone or drone that measures a person. The reason why the scanner system is somehow hard to use is that the trajectory of the drone or scanner must be stable. When the system finds what the person looks like. 

It can show the virtual image of how clothes fit the person. When the person buys shoes the only needed thing is to put the feet on the paper where are squares and the AI selects the right stuff from the warehouse. AI can be better for that thing than humans are. 

But the thing is that the metaverse is like the  2nd. life or some kind of game. There the businessmen can meet each other. That thing allows companies to make more and more customized products. 

In the metaverse, they can see immediately. What products that they are willing to buy fit in their environment? As an example, customers can scan their living rooms and see what the furniture looks like before they buy those products. 

When we are thinking metaverse as a possibility we must realize that it can offer a new type of virtual matrix for business. That virtual matrix is a virtual shopping center where people can see what things. That they will buy look like. But the metaverse offers possibilities far more than just to the business. It can revolutionize entertainment, social media, and science. 

By using the metaverse, the operators can drive miniature robots inside human bodies. It can use for controlling robots far away from the user. The metaverse is one of the most brilliant places where people can test their products and their abilities.

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