Sunday, October 23, 2022

Flaming plant in autumn.


That bush that seems flaming brings one interesting thought to my mind. Have you read the story of Moses in Holy Bible? If Moses would live in northern lands that kind of phenomenon when the colors of leaves turned bright in autumn could explain the "flaming bush" in which flames would not burn. There was no autumn in Arabia, so the explanation could be that Moses was from northern lands or somebody brought that kind of bush to Egypt. 

The image above this text portrays the bush in autumn. That image brings one thing to my mind. Some ancient people had an idea about autumn. 

The external heat forms life. It brings energy from the outside. If we think about the existence of the universe and material. We could deny the material's vaporization by replacing wave motion that travels out of it because of cosmic inflation. The thing that destroys material is the end of energy. 

So, if we want to stop material aging we should just pump new energy into those particles. But if we make that thing the end of the energy pump will destroy the material immediately. When a material's aging is denied by pumping energy in it, cosmic inflation causes the energy level material and its environment turns always be higher. 

And if the energy pumping ends energy travels away from the material at a very high speed. So if some living organism uses energy pumping, where electromagnetic radiation will use to keep them young and the energy flow ends. That causes that person turns to sand immediately if energy pumping continues long enough. 

And the internal heat destroys life. And that thing is true in the universe. The internal energy that pushes the universe larger will destroy it. If there could be an external power source the universe would remain forever.

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