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Showing posts from December, 2022

OBE:s (Out-of-Body Experiences) are interesting things.

"Artist's depiction of the separation stage of an out-of-body experience, which often precedes free movement" (Wikipedia/Out-of-body experience) The next phenomenonis interesting. There are stories that about 20% of people have this kind of experience. But getting real evidence about that very personal thing is not very easy. But there is happening many mysterious things during death. And one is the higher brain activity just before and after the exit.  The remarkable thing about OBE is that it happens when a person's consciousness is changed. Like during a heart attack. And that means researching those things is not a very easy process. The BCI makes the technical OBE possible.  There is no explanation for the OBE:s or (Out of Body Experiences). Some people are believing that OBEs are evidence of the soul. That separated from the body. During the OBE experience, the person whose consciousness is changed sees things like the medical team for the roof.  The OBE is one

A man in the high castle (Happy new year.)

Mixed reality is an interesting- and sometimes horrifying way to create a mixture of virtual reality and reality. Above this text is a castle that is above clouds. Let's think that there lives a man. Who is commanding the country? That man ever comes through the cloud layer and everything that man knows about the nation's strength comes from henchmen, and reports that they write.  The idea is that henchmen control the entire information. That comes into that cloud castle. That means they can introduce things like science fiction movies as reality. They can claim that the man in the high castle is commanding some imperial star cruisers from the Star Wars movies.  The fact is that other people might think that this looks ridiculous. But the information that henchmen are giving to the man in the high castle. Turns into reality for the person who lives in that castle.  For making mixed reality is no need for computers and virtual reality systems. The only needed thing is a media pr

Misunderstandings and AI.

There is a new law in California that denies misleading marketing. That is important. In cases where new highly automatized automobiles are sold to regular customers, the misunderstanding causes terrible situations. If customers don't realize that the AI-controlled autopilot cannot drive independently. And humans must control the vehicle in city areas.  That thing can cause problems or accidents. So if the human just starts to sleep and lets autopilot handle situations, the result is a crash. When people are starting to use some AI-controlled tools or vehicles, they must get enough information about the real capacities of those systems.  Especially city areas are complicated for vehicles. There are millions of things that can happen suddenly. And programmers must notice all of those situations. If situations like balls come suddenly to the front of the vehicle not described to the program code, that causes a risky situation because if the AI doesn't recognize risks it's dan

We'll meet again

Gravitation is the key to a deep understanding of the universe.

Gravitational waves can give information about the things like neutron stars' internal structures. Gravitational waves are wave motion, just like radio waves and light.  So gravitational radiation must be electromagnetic radiation that is out of the known electromagnetic spectrum. But it's radiation. Like all other wave motion.  So that thing makes it possible to use models that are made for radio waves and other wave motions to model the behavior of gravitation. The source of gravitational radiation is unknown. That hypothetical graviton particle could be very large. Or it could be a very small particle.  *Gravitational wave's wavelength could be so short that its frequency is above gamma rays. This means that a graviton should be an extremely small particle.  *Or the gravitational wave's wavelength could be longer than radio waves. But that requires that the hypothetical graviton is a very large particle.  Gravitational waves are proving that gravitation is wave motio

Is AI safe?

That is a good question. We can same way ask: is your car safe? The thing that makes AI safe or not is the purpose or ability to make things. If the AI runs on computers. That not connected to the internet, that thing cannot make anything wrong. But the thing is that the physical robot makes the AI dangerous.  Above this text, we can see robots reading the novel. The AI can use a robot body to collect information from places to that it would not otherwise have access. The robot can read the book for the AI. And then, that data will send to central memory by using WLAN.  The thing is that we might underestimate the abilities of man-shaped robots. Those robots can turn all jet fighters into robot drones. The man-shaped robot pilot can use the same interfaces as humans. So robot pilots can fly even the most primitive aircraft. But we don't usually remember that a man-shaped robot is not the same thing as a human. Man-shaped robots are tools that are more complicated than we even thoug

Why do some planets have rings?

Saturn We know many planets that have some kind of ring system. And the most well-known of those planets is Saturn. All gas giants in our solar system have a ring system that orbits them. So there are many theories about the origin of those rings.  There is the possibility that forming of the rings is unique. So that means there are more than one reasons why some planets have rings. But if we are thinking about the gas giants in our solar system we must realize that those planets are more distant than Earth.  So solar wind in that area is weaker than in the Earth's distance. And that means the particle (or ion) flow from the Sun would not blow those particles away. That explains why Earth has no rings. The reason for that is the solar winds. That are blowing sand or some other particles away from the Earth's orbiter.  "The backlit (of Saturn's) E ring, with Enceladus, silhouetted against it. The moon's south polar jets erupt brightly below it." (Wikipedia/Ring

The jet from a colliding neutron star seems to travel seven times the speed of light.

The speed has seen when neutron stars collide. The impact energy can form the short-term warp bubble that allows the radiation to travel faster than it usually travels.  Two other things are making it possible to make particles travel faster than the speed of light.  A) Virtual crossing where high-speed particles are impacting each other. If the speed of both particles is 0,8 times the speed of light the impact speed is 1,6 times the speed of light.  B) Rising the escaping velocity of the particle higher than the speed of light. So behind the black hole's event horizon, the speed of particles is higher than the speed of light.  The reason for that is that particles drop to the gravitational center at the same speed as escaping velocity.  The fact is that crossing the speed of light is a paradox. That thing is quite easy to make in theory. The only thing that must do is to create an area where the light travels faster than light travels in the environment around it.  Cherenkov's

For the first time in history, the DOE fusion test laboratory created more energy than it used in fusion.

The fusion test laboratory used less energy than fusion produced. The DOE press publication introduces the NIF (National Ignition Facility)  laboratory that used 2,05 MJ (Megajoules) in the test where fusion produced 3,15 MJ. That thing was not much. But the best result is that test proved that the self-sustaining commercial fusion reactor is possible. That energy burst broke systems.  And it was not last a long time. But that test shows that there is possible to create a controllable fusion reaction. The problem with fusion is how to control it. The non-controlled fusion devices or so-called hydrogen bombs that create non-controlled fusion reactions were invented in the 1950s. The problem with a fusion reactor is how to control that reaction.  There are three ways to control fusion.  *The control system adjusts the fuel dump to the reactor. When the energy level of the reaction turns too high the system reduces the fuel flow. Controlling the fusion by adjusting the fuel flow is diffic

Theory of teleportation.

Above is virtual replica of the "Stargate".  Theory of teleportation.  We can think of the laser ray as the water jut that moves sand between two positions. If we want to blow things like a sand castle from one place to another. That thing will be very easy. But the form of the sand castle is destroyed. So the problem with photon-based teleportation is how to make information stay in its form. The system can move information itself. But the laser ray changes the information's form like when water hits the sand castle and forms it into a group of sand bites.  1) Quantum entanglement makes quantum-size teleportation possible.  If the distance between the superpositioned and entangled particles is long. That thing makes controlling that quantum entanglement easier. There is a possibility that the researchers will conduct the energy away from the side of the quantum entanglement which the energy level is lower.  That helps to keep the energy level of another side of the quant

AI can make many things better than humans.

AI can make many things better than humans. The operational sector of AI is narrower than humans. But if the thing that the system should make requires precise multiple calculations, the AI is better than humans. The thing is that AI can make things like bridges, ships, and aircraft faster than humans. In those cases, the AI handles the precise information. And the system can calculate things like flows on the aircraft's surface very carefully.  That kind of simulation requires a large number of precise and hard calculations. So when the AI-based system develops the virtual model in its memories it can discuss or exchange information with the simulator that compiles with parameters like flow cross sections, friction, radar cross sections, and other things.  The problem with AI is that it doesn't know what it does. The AI can play chess or some card plays better than humans. When the AI plays chess it simply simulates the game and calculates possible movements of the buttons.  W

AI will destroy the net in form as we know it.

Artificial intelligence-based search engines are already in use. Those systems are measuring time how long each user uses some web pages. The effectiveness of AI depends on the mass and quality of information that it can use. The number of clicks are meaning that the page is interesting. But the time that users spend on those home pages tells more about how interesting those pages are.  If the web stores deliver information about how many clicks that system gets and how many products the customers make. That thing can make AI a very impressive tool. The AI can connect information from the different types of search results so that the system can find what attracts the user.  Byt the new type of search engines can make the homepage that they show.  When the user inputs parameters to the AI the system can find the homepages where is that type of data. And then, the system can simply connect the paragraphs one after one. Then the AI can put the source where of those texts after those parag

The quantum world is not separate from the world that we see.

The Quantum world does not differ from the real world. It's part of reality. It's a world that is invisible to users. But it exists. And it's dominating the entirety. All particles and wave motion are part of the energy exchange and energy flow in the universe without that energy flow the universe will not exist.  When we are talking about the world where we live. We must realize one thing. The quantum world is not separate from that world. So maybe we should not talk about the world. We should rather replace the word world with using word dimension. That means the dimension is the particles that are between certain energy levels.  Or the dimension is the area between energy minimum and energy maximum. The energy minimum in the third dimension or universe where we live is called absolute zero point or zero Kelvin. If the energy level of the particle is lower than the energy minimum or higher than the energy maximum it jumps out from the quantum system. There could be system

The AI as an artist.

What is special about the painting above this text? The thing, that makes it so special is that the "painter" behind the image is the AI. AI is one of the most interesting and fastest-advancing tools in the world. The next-generation AI can be productive.  It can have virtual imagination. Which means it can interconnect existing datasets. AI is not as versatile as humans. But the AI can play chess better than humans or operate more effectively than humans in a certain area where the system needs a limited number of datasets.  The new area of AI is the new creative AI applications. AI as a painter is not a bad thing if the person wants to win things art like competitions. The AI can search for information on what kind of paintings people are willing to see. AI can use many tools for that purpose.  And the most effective is the wall where are images of famous or free paintings. Then the AI observes what images people will click larger. And then, the system can calculate how lon

Can the simulated black hole turn into a real black hole?

  The simulated 2D black holes can also make quantum stealth possible.  Researchers are forming simulated black holes by making a hole in the 2D atomic structure. That thing happens by returning the electron or the nucleus of that 2D atom, at minimum energy level to a 3D dimensional form. In that case, the 2D structure loses its ability to interact with that part of it that returned to 3D form, and that means the simulated black hole is 2D-area where is a lower energy level.  Another version of the simulated black hole could be the system that pulls electrons away from the orbiters of the atom. Or shaper saying the system would pull electrons to a maximum distance from the nucleus of the atom. The thing is that graphene can make that kind of thing possible. There is the possibility that graphene can use to pull electrons to the maximum distance from the core of the atom. That thing can make energy travel to that structure.  But can 2D holes turn into 3D structures and form black holes?

The "intelligent universe" theory again.

In the beginning: Spinoza. Dutch Philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) explained the god as nature's and universe's mechanism with no personality. So we can say that Spinoza is the creator or father of the so-called intelligent universe and simulated reality theories. The idea of the intelligent universe theory is that universe itself is intelligent. That is one of the biggest philosophical thoughts in history.  Can plasma balls form qubits spontaneously? That thing is one of the biggest things in philosophy. Spinoza's idea about the god is that god is dominating structure because that structure is intelligent. And because there is no other so large and powerful structure. This structure makes what it wants. Without intelligence, other structures cannot resist that intelligent structure.  That structure has intelligence and will. And that makes it dominating. The thing that makes this thing dominating is that can affect some big things. But small things like individual peo

What is typical?

Is the Shelby cobra GT.350 the most typical car in the world? Or was that car the most common car in the world or even in the USA when it first time rolled out from the factory in 1965? That legendary car is back in production again. But the image portrays the 1965 model. The car is classic, but are those classics very often today? Media is the place where the extraordinary is turning regular things. Typical news and articles are handling superlatives or something very extraordinary things. Things like the fastest aircraft, tallest buildings, and tallest trees fill all articles. When we are looking at media, we might think that regular people are misters or they are some kind of president. We might think that a regular Russian is Vladimir Putin. When we look at war movies we might think, that all U.S. soldiers are fighter pilots or some SEAL team members.  We might think that a regular person in the western world is some kind of millionaire. If we look at car magazines we might think t

Quantum computers can find dark matter.

"In a new breakthrough, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Fermilab have found a way to detect dark matter using quantum computers." ( Dept of Energy Breakthrough: Detecting Dark Matter With Quantum Computers) 1) How do quantum computers detect dark matter? The idea of quantum computers is that they use very highly controlled superpositioned and entangled photonic qubits. The idea is that the system pack information photons. And then that photon will be superpositioned and entangled. If that superpositioned and entangled photon touches something.  That "something" causes a disturbance in the energy level of that superpositioned and entangled particle pair. So if the superpositioned and entangled qubit touches the dark matter. That thing causes disturbance of the energy levels.  2) What the dark matter could be?  Dark matter is interesting. 85% of the material in the universe is formed of dark matter. That is the gravitational effect w

So what is truth, and what is wrong about wormholes?

1) What is a wormhole? In models, the wormhole is only a pair of superpositioned and entangled black holes. There is the possibility that the gravitational waves can start to travel between two black holes and surround them by forming an "8" shaped form. That form of the gravitational waves the shape of a lying twig is making it possible that black holes or gravitational waves at the point of the event horizons to start to oscillate. So the wormholes are forming between superpositioned and entangled black holes. They are forming similar ways with all other superpositions. But the thing that forms the superposition between the black holes is gravitational radiation.  The same laws that are ruling other quantum entanglements rule the wormholes.  *The energy or information can travel only from the higher energy level to the lower energy level.  *If both sides of the wormholes are at the same energy level that breaks the wormhole.  *Wormhole can form only when two black holes are

Researchers created a holographic wormhole in a quantum computer.

Researchers created a holographic wormhole in a quantum computer. So did they make a wormhole? The answer is yes and no. The holographic wormholes are very weak versions of the wormholes. As I wrote somewhere earlier, the wormhole is not an absolute phenomenon. Its channels across space and time.  The simulated wormholes show that simulated black holes can exchange information. But exchanging some gravitational waves or electromagnetic wave motion is a little bit different than sending some living animals or even bacteria through that channel. Simulating wormholes can make a revolution in quantum computing.  Researchers make the simulated black holes by making an electron hole in the 2D atomic structure. Researchers can make Quantum entanglement through those holes. In that case, the energy channel that connects superpositioned and entangled particles will create through two holes linear holes in two opposite 2D structures. Those 2D structures are created by using minimum energy level