Sometimes some wise men asked, "why we are researching history"? The answer is that by researching history we can learn to find mistakes. And then avoid making the same mistakes again. There is a phrase: "man is not stupid if he makes mistakes". But if the man repeats that mistake that thing changes the game. If a man repeats the same mistakes multiple times. There are some problems between the ears.
But when we look at the worst mistakes in human history, we are facing the use of gasoline in combustion engines. And the even worse thing was to use lead in gasoline. Those energy sources are easy to use and easy to get, but now we are paying the price for those solutions. In the same way, we can say that trust in Putin was a big mistake. But the fact is if we are not learning from those mistakes we cannot fix them.
We can look back and say: in the past, we were something, like prime movers. But now we must realize that nothing comes better if we just sit and throw our responsibility to somebody else. If we want to be prime movers we must earn that position. The thing is that we must dare to begin the change.
Change is necessary for innovation. And in the center point of business is the product. If there is no product there are no customers. Same way in the world of the military we must understand one thing. There is no fair game in real battles. Even a small country can win a larger army by using technology. The warning of that thing was chemical and nuclear weapons. And finally, robots and robot mass armies are the tools that are giving even small countries the power to resist large countries.
Robots are good tools for jobs that are boring. But the problem is those robot workers bring a large group of unemployed people. The argument for robot workers is that they are making jobs that nobody wants to do. Salary in those works like food delivery is not very good, and working in clothes factory is also very low paid. Those people can work 12-14 hours a day. In this case, I mean the work conditions in the industrial sewing factory are not good product's reputation.
Social media is one of the key elements in modern working life. And the power of social media is extreme. If something that is not meant to show to outside people slips into the net. Removing it is impossible.
Modern working life is a network. And information travels very fast in the networks. And people can see what mean the law in corrupt countries. Even if somebody says that they are not breaking the law. That thing means nothing.
From the net, people see what means "legal treatment" in some countries. Politicians cannot just pass the power of social media. They must somehow please the people who elect them to the parliament. In republics and democracies is no politician who must not care about people's opinions. We are living in a time where the only stable thing is change. And fast changes are making long-term decisions hard.
A fast and violent change escalates over society. Network connections allow people can work from home. And that thing is one of the biggest changes in the world. I know that people want to go to work in the morning, but the problem is that the offices are only unnecessary money pits for companies. But remote work requires a new type of attitude. People must realize that the world is turning into a 15-second version of 15 minutes town.
On Internet, we can click on ourselves to any location on Earth in 15 seconds. And if there is a camera in that location we can observe things like we were physically in that place. The only thing that limits this thing is the lack of cameras.
The problem is how to handle change.
To create successful business architecture, we must follow trends and megatrends. But the problem is that those trends and megatrends are sometimes short-lasting events. And when the megatrend ends the new megatrend replaces it.
When something changes people must learn to live with that change. Adaptation to a new environment requires resources. And that thing means investments. If a company will not follow the change it loses all its customers. This is the problem with change. Every time somebody makes something new. And that thing is successful others will compy that solution to their environment.
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