Sunday, October 30, 2022

How intelligent were dinosaurs?


Maybe some other dinosaurs were more intelligent than others. That means some dinosaurs could make more versatile things than others. But there must be some reasons why the brain and especially connections in the brain started forming. More neural connections and the ability to take the neural signals back and analyze things made some dinosaurs superior to others. 

But when we are thinking about the T-Rex itself there was one thing that could explain why T-Rex was so bloodthirsty. That thing is that information travels only in one direction in its nervous system. That means T-Rex couldn't resist its prey. And it's true, that means something interesting, T-Rex attacked other dinosaurs always when it saw them. So in this case the nervous system of T-Rex acts like an insect neural system. And that means the behavior of T-Rex was like some giant insect. When it smelled its prey it always attacked it. 

In the movie "Jurassic Park" we can see that T-Rex attacks cars and other vehicles. Sometimes I wonder would that thing happen in real life. Would T-Rex attack the thing that it has ever seen before? When T-Rex bites the car it tastes metal and rubber, and the question is would that thing make T-Rex stop its attack? In that movie, T-Rex acts like a dog. And when we think that T-Rex was far more primitive than a dog or lion, we must ask if would real T-Rex have the capacity to make those things. Did that monster  prowl its prey, or did it attack immediately? 

How intelligent were dinosaurs? That is one of the basic questions that repeat again and again. Or maybe we should ask: what is intelligence? When we are trying to compare dinosaurs' intelligence with the intelligence of bacteria, we might say that bacteria make some things faster than dinosaurs. 

Or dinosaurs might run faster than humans. They might bite harder, but humans can make weapons that stop even T-Rex. If dinosaur attacks modern humans, human can use anti-tank missiles against them. Humans can also tell other humans that they saw T-Rex. They can take an image of that thing and send it to the net. And that gives everybody possible to prepare for T-Rex attacks. T-Rex might seem horrifying but the fact is that dinosaur is not very clever. 

It doesn't probably even know how to attack the concrete house. And that thing can cause terrible damage to the teeth of the T-Rex. Even if that lizard had 5000 kilograms of force in its jaws the steel-concreate can stop that attack. So does T-Rex learn and go away or does it continue its attacks until the last tooth is gone? 

Intelligence means flexibility. In the case of dinosaurs, the dinosaur can elude trees while it runs. And always when the dinosaur is running. And something comes in front of it. It decides whether should it eat that thing. Or elude the thing it sees. Those things are programmed in its nervous system. 

But did dinosaurs learn new things? Did individual dinosaurs learn to avoid certain drinking places, because some T-Rex used them? Or did that smaller dinosaur go to that source again and again? And then the drinking ends when that dinosaur escaped the T-Rex? Or did that T-Rex come to the source a little bit earlier? And then it took lunch at the same time as it drinks water. 

Human intelligence is flexible. We can make things like clothes and fire and use many things. So in the case of intelligence flexibility means the ability to put something in memory, and then connect those memories with similar cases. When human sees snow human knows to put warm clothes on. And that means certain behaviors escalate to other similar cases. 

The question is did the thing that dinosaurs couldn't learn new things seal their fate after the meteor impact? If dinosaurs didn't know how to search for food under the snow that started to rain after the meteor impact formed large cloud areas in the atmosphere causing nuclear winter. That would end their life. 

When dinosaurs who were left alive from the great tsunami faced a suddenly changing environment they faced the problem of how to get food. In normal cases, some dinosaurs lived in cold areas. But there was always time to prepare cold. Nature prepared those animals for the next season. And when everything suddenly changed nothing prepared dinosaurs for that thing. 

The machines like chess programs can play chess better than humans. The fact is that AI always plays chess more effectively than humans. But then we must realize that chess computers can only play chess. Those computers make nothing else.

They just play chess. And that's it. Maybe humans would play chess the same way very effectively if they just don't make anything else than play chess. Those kinds of things are called RISC systems. They are like pocket calculators. Pocket calculators are fast and effective systems. If you want to make drawings pocket calculators are effective anymore. You need a more flexible system. 

Computers are a little bit slower to use. But computers are more flexible systems. If we want to connect more uses and abilities for some system that makes it slower than a one-mission computer. But those computers are a little bit slower to use for base calculations than one-mission pocket calculators. The cloud-based solutions are making computers more flexible than ever before.

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