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The human-looking robots can use in the same missions as humans.


When humans are developing something, there must be a motive for that thing. Why we are creating mixed reality and enhanced reality? One reason for that work is that those systems are suitable for robot control. In the simplest mode, the operators sit on chairs and control robots by using VR sets. But there is the possibility to use the EEG connection. In that model, the electrodes are connected with Broca's and Wernicke's areas. 

And they can simply use the EEG to boost the voice- or speech command. If robots have an interface that makes them understand speech they can use earphones. In that case, the controller must say that robot must pick some box, and if the robot has the dataset that tells how it should make that thing. The system can simply pick the box. And carry it to the vehicle.

If a robot operates in the places like warehouses the surveillance system can connect with it. And the surveillance cameras can read the bar- and QR codes. Then the system tells robots where they should take the needed stuff. The boxes can also have RFID systems that make them robots easier to find the right things from shelves. 

The human-looking robots can use in the same missions as humans. 

Tesla's new "Optimus" robot could be the greatest opportunity or greatest threat for humans. Even if that kind of robot cannot replace humans yet, they might make that thing later. But when we are thinking about robots from the point of view of ethical work life, we must ask how ethical is to support the work or business where workers work with so low salary that workers cannot live with that. 

Robots are multi-use tools. And the man-looking robots can operate in the same roles as humans. This thing makes those robots the most effective tools for multiple missions that are too risky for humans. 

When we talk about democracy and robotics the robot workers can make it possible to make products with so low prices that they can compete with work in non-democratic countries. The thing, that supports dictatorship in international trade is the worker's low salaries. Because those people must not pay salaries the price of work is low. And that thing brings benefits to international trade.  

Robots could be extremely good tools for military operations. They are not traumatized. And they are not telling things that are meant to keep secret. People say that robots will not torture people. But the fact is robots are following their program code. And if somebody programs robots to the torture they are making those things without excuses. 

But things like artificial intelligence and BCI (Brain Computer Interface) are tools that make robots make many complicated things. Robots can bring many services to places like the Australian countryside. The same robot can fly aircraft, fix its engines and act as a medical doctor. In those areas where it's hard to recruit educated people, those robots can be the solution to stop the decrease in population. 

Robots are learning differently than humans. When humans sit in classrooms robots can take on their new missions simply by downloading new programs and datasets. Or if the robot uses BCI the change of operator is enough. The robot is only the tool that makes work. And one thing that makes human-looking robots flexible tools is that they can use the same tools as humans. 

In space research human-looking or "humanoid" robots can make things like research sites on distant planets. They can also operate in Asteroid belts or extreme long-distance missions. 

That thing makes it possible to send a mission to Titan moon and Jupiter's icy moons without risking human lives. Those robots can look like humans, but they can have lasers in their heads and things like sonar- or radar systems in their hands and body for large-scale observations of their environment. 

Those robots can collect samples and operate by using a semi-independent mode. In that version, those robots can patron on the surface of those distant worlds. And when they see something interesting they might ask the operators if should they pick those objects for closer research.,be%20%22friendly%22%20and%20help%20people%20avoid%20physical%20labor.


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