Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Can information escape from a black hole?

The superstrings are extremely thin energy fields. They are pieces of quantum fields. And the wave-particle duality can turn those superstrings into particles. 

When a black hole stretches material it turns it into a superstring-looking form. But in that case. There forms an electromagnetic vacuum in the middle of that particle. 

When the pull of the black hole ends, that thing would remove the stretch of that material. That means the material can take back its regular form because both ends of that "spaghetti" pull them back together. 

Can information escape from a black hole?

It seems that this thing is possible. The information can escape from the black hole. There is a piece of evidence that one black hole spat out a star that turned into spaghetti and ate it three years ago. But how a material or information can escape from a black hole? 

The answer can be in the whirl that pulls information inside the black hole. When a star closes to the event horizon it turns into a spaghetti-looking formation. So the black hole stretches the star. And when the star's remnant falls to singularity, it follows the trajectory that looks like a whirl. 

After the information crosses the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, falling material continues to travel by following the spiral track to the center of the black hole. There is the possibility that the spaghetti or stretched material would hover near the event horizon. In that case, the material is forming a string-looking formation. 

If there is a small gravitational vacuum or gravitational shadow above that string it may start to flow inside the black hole. In that case, the hovering string is the stable object. And if a black hole moves a small part of that string can go outside the main singularity. That forms the quantum protuberance that conducts energy out from the black hole. 

The black hole is like a yarn ball. Inside the event horizon gravitation, itself forms the string-looking formations. The massive gravitation pulls gravitation that is like radiation to string-looking structures. And sometimes one of those strings would go outside the event horizon. That forms gravitational flares that bring energy out from the black hole. 

In the most exciting models, the particle that orbits inside the event horizon could form quantum entanglement with another particle. That is deeper inside the black hole. The quantum entanglement is impossible to press to size. There is also no limit to quantum entanglement. 

So, when two particles are forming quantum entanglement through different layers inside black holes energy travels to the outer participant. Also, the energy channel between those particles acts like an antenna. If that energy channel forming by gravitational waves. 

Or gravitational radiation can push the other gravitational waves away. Gravitation acts like all other wave motions. And if the energy level of that kind of gravitational pillar is higher it repels other gravitational waves. If that gravitational or energy pillar forms from outside the event horizon, it conducts energy out from the black hole. 

That thing will extend the length of quantum entanglement. If that thing happens to a string-looking particle it can form an energy-low pressure above it. That thing can rise the particle through the black hole's event horizon. 




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