Saturday, September 2, 2023

Gravitational models that could revolutionize physics.

  Gravitational models that could revolutionize physics. 

There is a theory that gravitation interacts with dark matter by using the non-local model. That means the gravitation interaction happens through dark matter. The dark matter or especially "cold dark matter" forms the area there energy level is lower than outside it. 

And then quantum fields start to travel to that area. So gravitation is where quantum fields flow to the gravitational center. We can say that quantum fields are like rivers or whirls in water. And when they travel to the gravitational center they take particles with them. 

Theoretically, there are three types of material.

Hot dark matter

Visible material

Cold dark matter. 

The energy level of cold dark matter is lower than visible matter. Hot dark matter has an energy level higher than visible matter. In that model, the place of visible matter is between hot and cold dark matter. The cold dark matter is like "quantum ice". 

That means energy travels from visible matter to cold dark matter. Because cold dark matter is receiving part in that interaction, it is invisible to us. In energy models, energy travels from one particle to another until those particles reach the energy minimum. That term means that both particles reach the same energy level. The reason why visible matter and cold dark matter cannot reach energy minimum is that there is much more cold dark matter than visible matter. And that makes energy minimum impossible to get. 

The image above shows how plasma pulse forms. In that image, there is a black hole. But all plasma pulses are forming in the same way. The magnetic poles of the object pull anions and ions to them. And then behind that object, the electromagnetic forces, along with the gravitational field pull those particles together. 

The hot dark matter could be invisible for the same reason. The high energy, small-size particle pushes quantum strings past it. And then behind that particle those superstrings impact and that impact forms wave movement with extremely short wavelength. So that thing could be the source of dark energy. Or it could be one possible source of dark energy. 

Energy or wave movement flows to the cold dark matter, which could be material that formed after visible material. Hot dark matter would be material that formed before visible material. In that model, high-energy hot dark matter travels before the visible material. 

And now everybody asks "Why can't we not see hot dark matter"? The hot dark matter could be so high energy that it simply pushes radiation past it. The model is like in the plasma pulse. The radiation that hits the hot dark matter cannot reach that material because hot dark matter's energy level is too high and it pushes radiation past it. And if the radiation or superstrings will turn return together behind that particle that could explain dark energy. 

When those superstrings or extremely thin energy waves hit together back in the particle they form impact radiation with a very small wavelength. That thing could explain the dark energy. Or impacting superstrings can explain at least a small part of dark energy. 

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