Saturday, September 9, 2023

Black holes paradox. Can gravity waves escape from them?

   Black holes paradox. Can gravity waves escape from them? 

Black hole paradox gravitational waves cannot escape from the black hole. But black holes send gravitational waves. And if those gravitational waves are not coming from the black hole, what is their source? Is there some other "yet unknown" radiation with different wavelengths that we cannot see? 

The black hole paradox is interesting. Gravity should not escape from a black hole's massive gravity field. But if that thing is true, the black hole should not be able to pull anything inside it, because gravitational interaction happens through gravity waves. So if gravity waves do not interact with particles they could not pull material into the gravitational field. 

The gravitational waves are traveling gravitational fields, and that means they can interact with gravity fields. Same way electromagnetic waves have their origin in electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields can manipulate electromagnetic field's shape and strength. Same way gravity wave has the same wavelength as a gravity field. And that affects its strength and shape. 

Does gravity exist in the fourth dimension? 

The fact is that natural forces are the same in all dimensions. In theories, the dimension is energy level. Jumping into the fourth dimension could happen by increasing the object's energy level. When the energy level rises the object loses its ability to interact with other 3D particles. So when that particle cannot exchange information with other particles, it leaves left 3D world and jumps into the fourth dimension. 

At that moment particle will lost. The fourth dimension is like our universe. And all natural forces are the same as in our universe. The fourth dimension is at a higher energy level than our three-dimensional universe. That causes the theory that there are lots of extra dimensions above our universe. Because extra dimensions above our third dimension are at higher energy levels. That means those extra dimensions are smaller than our third dimension.  

The theory about extra dimensions tells us that extra dimensions are like our third dimension. But its energy level is much higher than our universe. The thing about extra dimensions is that they are smaller than our universe. And in some theories, there are other civilizations behind the event horizons. But we cannot prove anything.

The vaporization of the black holes, tells that there is energy that travels out from black holes. Fourth dimensions exist in our Universe in the form of black holes. We cannot imagine what those universes look like because we cannot see four-dimensional material and wave movement out from it. But if there is some other wave movement than gravitational waves that can escape from black holes, that wave movement is invisible to us.

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