The cosmic antimatter can be one thing behind dark energy.
There is a model that so-called sub-hadronic particles could be behind dark energy. Normally, people think that electrons and positrons form the particle-antiparticle pairs. But the fact is that almost every boson and fermion has anti-particle or mirror-particle pairs.
One place where antimatter is are protons. Protons are much more than just two up, and one down quarks. Inside protons are numerous particles and antiparticles that are far smaller than electrons. Annihilation also happens between those other particle-antiparticle pairs.
And that means electron-positron pairs are not only annihilating particles. The quark-anti-quark pairs can annihilate into a photon and wave movement.
Can exotic annihilation like annihilation between gluons and anti-gluons explain dark energy?
Same way. Gluons and anti-gluons or maybe neutrino-antineutrino can annihilate in, the same way as all other particle-antiparticle pairs. And maybe that thing could explain dark energy. The Schwinger effect forms the particle-antiparticle pairs. And if those particle-antiparticle pairs are too close to each other they annihilate.
So if quasars send radiation beams that are turning into particle-antiparticle pairs that are not electron-positron pairs that thing could explain dark energy or some part of it. This annihilation where other particles than positrons and electrons annihilate can called exotic annihilation. One example of that kind of annihilation would be a case, where gluon-anti-gluon pairs annihilate.
The quasars and other high-energy objects like pulsars can explain cosmic antimatter.
When quasars or some other high-energy objects send their radiation and particle beams some part of that material can turn into dark matter. Quasars are objects that form around black holes. When those objects send extremely high-energy radiation. That radiation can cause a situation. That is the point where the energy beam forms a point where there is no electromagnetism or quantum fields. The high energy radiation pushes quantum fields from around it.
A similar thing can happen between energy beams of pulsars. If the pulsar cycle is high enough. That causes a situation where quantum fields have no time to fill that hole. And that forms the WARP channel in the track of that energy beam. When that energy beam hits the matter in the Milky Way that thing can cause a situation where the punch turns the particle's spin opposite. And that forms antimatter.
And when that energy beam is left from the black hole it travels a short time in WARP-bubble. When those particles are traveling in a warp bubble suddenly they impact with electromagnetic fields and that impact causes a situation where those particle's spin turns opposite. That is the thing that forms antimatter.
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