Saturday, September 2, 2023

Is the expansion of the universe faster than light?

 Is the expansion of the universe faster than light? 

The negative energy and it's relation with speed of light. 

Negative energy is energy that travels to the object. If all energy travels to the object it turns invisible. The reason for that is that observation requires reflection the particle sends radiation to the observer. 


Positive energy is energy that travels out from an object. 

Negative energy is energy that travels to an object. 

The reason that makes negative energy interesting is this. The negative energy makes it possible that energy flow to the object can continue when its speed crosses the speed of light. 

If the particle's spin is fast enough it can form a channel or tunnel through it. In the case that wave movement travels through that tunnel the wave movement or superstrings may be pulling all energy through that particle's shell and then making it travel in one direction. This can cause a situation where the particle doesn't cause reflection sideways. The radiation that travels through the channel acts like a heat pump and makes particles invisible because it denies the reflection. And that thing is called negative energy. 

When we think possibility of traveling faster than light, we think of energy transfer. If energy transfer to an object can continue at a speed, higher than the photon's speed that allows faster-than-light travel. But we don't know any particle that is in so low energy level that energy transfer to the particle can continue after it reaches the speed of photons. 

The thing called negative energy could make it possible. That the object can travel faster than light. The term negative energy means energy that travels into the object. Positive energy means energy that travels out from an object. And that thing makes particles visible. The negative energy that travels to the particle makes the particle invisible. 

If 100 % of energy travels through a particle and then continues in another direction without reflection. That makes particles invisible. In some models, the particle with extremely high-speed spin can make the tunnel or channel through it. And that thing makes energy travel into that particle. 

If a superstring travels through that channel it pulls energy through the shell of the particle. That thing makes the negative energy flow into that particle. 

In some models, electromagnetism is formed when a magnetic field makes the channel through an object like a planet or neutron star. And then that standing tornado pulls radiowaves or other radiation or particles through it. And that thing causes the massive magnetic field around neutron stars. The acceleration channel forms. When neutrons form a tower in the middle of the neutron star. And accelerate radiation through it. 

That effect pulls energy and radiation from around the neutron star. And it acts like a heat pump. When radiation travels through that channel it forms a low-energy area in that tunnel. And the outcoming radiation must replace that energy. So it forms a pulling effect. 

That means it's possible that in the middle of singularity is a similar channel that aims gravitational radiation into one direction. So in this model when the energy level rises the object will create a magnetic field, and then a similar field of weak nuclear force. And then when the energy level rises high enough it will condense strong nuclear force and finally gravitational field to entirety. So gravitational field can look like a magnetic field but it's far denser. 

Why gravitation can pull materials to travel faster than the speed of light? That thing is possible behind a black hole's event horizon. When gravitation curves space and time it forms a pothole. Or the tunnel where quantum fields are pressing objects to smaller and smaller. And behind the event horizon, all objects travel at the same speed. 

If we think that the limits of the universe are two first photons that are left from the Big Bang, we can say that the universe expands with a speed that is two times the speed of light. That is the divergence rate of those two photons. Or is it so? The speed of those two photons is not the same as it could be. The gravitation pulls them backward. 

And that thing means the gravitation slows the speed of those two photons. That is called the "two-photon problem". If those two first photons travel at the front of the universe that gravitational effect slows the speed of those two photons. But gravity also pulls other particles. And that means those two photons have the top speed in that system. The reason for that is the photon's speed is always top. The reason for that is that the photon's energy level is precisely the same as its environment. 

But then we can think about cold dark matter and the speed of light. 

The shape of cold dark matter could cause a situation, where the energy flow to that cold material can continue after it reaches the speed of photons. If the energy level of cold dark matter is far lower than visible material and the energy level of photons is the highest possible in the visible universe. That could mean that the energy flow to cold dark matter can continue after it crosses the speed of photons. 

The thing that supports this model is that no other known particle can reach the speed of photons. The reason why that thing happens is that. The particle turns so small and its surface area turns so big that energy starts to flow out of the particle. 

There is a possibility that cold dark matter can travel faster than photons. The reason for that is energy could travel to cold dark matter. The reason why anything can travel faster than light in the regular universe is that the quantum fields push objects smaller when it is close to the speed of light. Then particle's surface area turns big relative to its size. 

And that causes a situation in which energy travels out from the particle in the critical moment. If cold dark matter is so-called quantum ice whose energy level is so low then energy always travels to it. That means there is a possibility that cold dark matter can avoid this situation and energy can travel in that material to the point where it reaches the speed of photons. If that energy transfer continues after that point, there is the possibility that cold dark matter could travel faster than photons. 

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