Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Shield AI successfully coordinated three Lockheed-Martin 3V-BAT drones as a team.

 Shield AI successfully coordinated three Lockheed-Martin 3V-BAT drones as a team. 

This kind of experiment might not seem very impressive. The fact is this: the ability to control ultimate situations requires full cooperation between manned and unmanned systems in and over operational areas. The new systems require new tactics and countertactics. Drones have shown their capacities in the Ukraine war. 

And especially, cheap cardboard drones are the tool that requires new types of counteractions. Those drones are hard to detect, and they can be loaded onto vans or even garbage trucks. Then the patrol can slip to the strike distance from the airbase. 

Cardboard drones are cheap next-generation tools. They predict the next-generation military thinking. There are two routes in military systems. The first route is expensive manned systems. Those systems use quantum stealth and sophisticated systems. 

Above: Three V-BAT Team (Interesting Engineering/Shield AI's 'Hivemind' controlled 3 V-BATs as a team)

They are flying with high supersonic or hypersonic speed if they are aircraft. The other routes are cheap and more limited drones whose mission is to search targets for those manned systems. Some drones have only one sensor like an IR camera and they can be used to find targets for ground attack aircraft. 

In future tactics, the ground attack aircraft wait for their target position behind their air defense. And then they strike at very high speed. Modern air defense causes situations in which ground attack aircraft cannot patrol near enemy lines as before. So the drones can search for targets for them. Same way drones can take off air defense missiles and pull missile fire against them. 

Commanders can use cheap and simple systems such as decoys. And one mission of those decoy drones is to protect the manned systems. Those decoy drones force the enemy to shoot them. And as attacks against power plants are shown none of those drones can let to fly to their targets. That can be used as mass swarms. They can fly above operational areas and send information to their commanders. And when their fuel ends, the drone can make a kamikaze attack against Target. Or make deep penetration strikes. The 3D printer systems can make those drones even from recycled materials. 

The AI can control those systems and it improves its survivability. The AI is a game changer in both offensive and defensive systems. The AI itself is cheap. The only thing that is needed is the program code. Then the system can download the AI to all systems. The AI can make even the cheapest drones effective and destructive weapons. 


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