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The Pentagon has no evidence of extraterrestrial connections or physics laws breaking aerial vehicles.

   The Pentagon has no evidence of extraterrestrial connections or physics laws breaking aerial vehicles. 

The Pentagon UFO paper says that AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office) continues its work. There is no evidence that the alien spacecraft are operating in the atmosphere. And the second thing is that those UFOs are not working against physics laws. If we think of things like Leonardo da Vinci's tank that structure is easy to modify into an aerial vehicle with extraordinary maneuver ability. The system requires quadcopter's rotors under it. And then those jet engines will replace those guns. 

A thing that makes those UAPs or UFOs interesting is that nobody seems or even claims to own them. If some people like Vladimir Putin are behind those things they will tell that to us in Russian TV. 

"A still from footage shot by a United States MQ-9 reaper drone showing what appears to be an unidentified spherical object soaring through the air. (Image credit: U.S. Dept. of Defense)" ( has 'no credible evidence' of aliens or UFOs that defy physics)

The exception was Chinese recon balls. The mystical silver balls can also be the recon systems, where the recon gondola is inside that ball. The silver ball is lighter than air, and its shell collects electromagnetic radiation that the gondola records. Some UFOs might be holograms, whose mission is to turn people to look in another direction when some stealth bombers are making secretive maneuvers.

Maybe UFOs or at least some flying saucers are circular-wing aircraft. A circular wing makes it possible to turn aircraft into Tesla coils. And that thing caused the need to research that technology.  The circular wing aircraft were reseached in Germany and the USA. 

Sometimes people claim that some UFO papers are secretive because the makers of those systems have backgrounds in Waffen SS. And that thing was embarrassing after WW2. 

In real visions, LRVs should be nuclear-powered. But there is the possibility that only conventional jet-engine-based systems, or trailed mock-up systems flew. There is also the possibility that full-scale mock-up models without technology produced during that project. The purpose of those mock-ups was to test those systems' aerodynamic abilities. 

Above Lenticular Re-entry vehicle. (LRV). It's possible that some people who saw "flying saucers" see this kind of device. 

Above Avro Avrocar. The most well-known flying saucer. Below is the militarized version of the Avrocar that is equipped with two heavy anti-tank bazookas and an air cushion that allows them to make low-altitude attacks against enemy surface units. 

Artist's impression of what LRV looks like if it flies with F-86. 

Nazi connections. In some stories, the USAF and Avro Canada used nazi-researchers to create the LRV and Avro Avrocar. 

There are claims that Waffen SS (SS-E-IV) worked with the "V-5" system during WW2 where radially installed jet or liquid-fuel rocket engines gave that system extremely high-performance maneuverability. The fact is that nazis worked with saucer-shaped aerial vehicles, but V-5 probably existed only on paper, the model was theoretical. Those large-size flying vehicles were purely over-estimation of technology. The real Nazi UFOs were much more humbler than some house-size things. 

Above Sack AS-6 (

And maybe it was not even meant to fly. The stories of Nazi antigravitation are tests where magnetic repellent is used to push objects upward. The idea was to make the system work like a yoyo. And that thing could load the batteries of some flying vehicles. The BMW Flugerad was a system that used one large propeller. There is the possibility that the Flugerad should use a similar opposite rotating propeller pair as Kamov helicopters. Tilting those rotors makes it possible to control the craft. 

The BMW worked with Flugerad systems that were propeller-using flying saucers. And the large-size propeller that Flugerad used could make it noiseless.  At the end of WW2 Nazis worked desperately to find some energy source that replaces petroleum. There was probably an idea that the BMW Flugerad would equipped with an induction engine. 

And if the radial hoop and propeller are rotated by using rockets, that thing could load batteries. There is the possibility that the Flugerad could plan to act as a Tesla coil. And if positive and negative tesla coils are at opposite sides of the aircraft. That electric arc can even destroy it. 

The thing is that the USA used some of those nazi engineer's services after the WW2. And that thing could be behind some secrecy.


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