The schematics show two variants of light-activated molecular machines developed at Rice University that drill into and destroy antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The machines could be useful to fight infectious skin diseases. Credit: Tour Research Group/Rice University (Scitechdaily/Molecular Machines: Bacteria-Killing Drills Get an Upgrade)
Molecular robots are tools that can use for many purposes. Molecular nano-drill can destroy bacteria mechanically. When nano-machines are used for medical treatment. The system can remove those systems from the body quite easily. There are two ways how to make that thing.
The first way is by connecting some magnetic metal to those molecules. Then the magnetic field can use to pull those molecular machines out from the body. Another way is to use special enzymes that are destroying the molecule. The problem is that the nano-drill bases benzene molecules and those molecules cause cancer.
And that makes it the next-generation antibiotics. The problem with antibiotics is that it turns immune against antibiotics. But there is no way, how the bacteria can resist nano-machines.
Nano-drills can do many more things than acting just like a bacteria killer. They can remove the waste from the body. And in some visions, those nano-drills can remove plaque from the synapsis. And that thing can be the next-generation treatment for Alzheimer's.
The nano-drills can also remove things from the blood vessels. And that thing can open closed blood veins in the case of an infarct. The benefit of those nano-drills is that they can go to places where regular scalpels cannot operate. They can also remove single cancer cells from the body.
The molecular nano-drills can use also for drilling holes in the cancer cells' protein membrane. The aiming of those molecular machines to the right cells will happen by connecting certain enzymes or nutrients to those molecules. And then the own immune system will transport the nano drill to the right cells.
The problem with nano-drills is how they can aim at the right cells and how to deny them to destroy other cells. If there is some special nutrient that the targeted cells are using the nano drill can benefit that thing. The nutrient can involve enzymes that are making the protein-membrane weaker. Then the nano-drills can use feely because the cells must be prepared so that the nano-drills can make the hole in the membrane.
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