The nuclear-powered stratospheric drone can improve communications and support ground operations in war and peace. The RTG (Radio Thermal Generator) gives the stratospheric drone that uses electric engines almost unlimited operational time. The stratospheric drone is only a "Predator" with extremely long wings. The stratospheric drone can rise 20-30 kilometers high above the ground. And, if this aerial vehicle is built using stealth materials. It's hard to detect.
That drone is a hard target because there is no infrared or radar signature that makes it possible to detect that type of drone. If the high-flying drone is equipped with a laser scanner that system can detect chemical components from the air. Lasers can also use to detect and measure earthquakes. Laser detects extremely small changes in the distance between satellite or drone and earth.
When Earth is quaking the distance between the surface of Earth and the drone is changing. Also, the laser system can detect the changes in the distance to the windows and other layers when they are resonating. The laser microphone uses this type of technology when it records speech in the room. In many films, the system detects speech by using resonance that is coming from the window. But actually, laser microphones can benefit from resonance that is coming from all layers.
It can also use lasers to eavesdrop on what people are talking about. A laser microphone benefits the resonance of the surfaces for detecting voices like speech. When some person is talking that speech resonates the surface. And laser will detect that resonance by measuring the changes in the distance to that layer. The
The quadcopters can use in many operations. The larger drones or aircraft can drop them at the operational area. The quadcopters can use laser scanners for measuring things like the size of the trees. But the laser scanners can do many other things than just measure the size of some trees or vehicles. The laser rays can also observe the things like how the stomas are changing the gases. Laser scanners can use to observe, how the ion pumps of the plants are operating.
Or they can smell the breath of the wild animals. That system sees if there are some poisons in the exhaust gases of the animals. The laser spectrometer just sees what kind of elements is in the gas that animal or tree releases. The laser spectrometer can also search for the things like exhaust gas of the vehicles.
It can try to detect the certain chemical components that are involved in hydrocarbons. Those chemical compounds are involved in gasoline and gas inside the earth. And they can uncover the area where oil or gas is taken. Lasers can analyze the smoke of the grenades or other ammunition for uncovering the chemical construction of the explosives. That uncovers the manufacturer of those things.
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