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Fermi paradox part II

The argument against the "first born takes all" theorem in the SETI program is that violent civilizations would annihilate themselves. The requirement for being a threat to other civilizations is interstellar travel. And only civilizations that are solved their internal problems and internal conflicts can release so many resources that they can make interstellar journeys.  The interstellar journey is a huge program. And that requires so many resources that the entire civilization must involve in that project.

There is the possibility that there are two civilizations in the triple star system and those civilizations would be violent against each other. But there is always some kind of reason for violence. One of the requirements in interstellar travel and long-distance warfare even in a triple-star system is the suitable communication lines. 

The requirement for large-scale interstellar operations is also a suitable political system. The political systems that make interstellar travel possible are the republic or democracy. The fact is that if the aliens or in future humans are making colonies on other planets or their moons they must not be any kind of control freaks. There is always a certain type of freedom on remote bases. There are always things that happen in those places that are not told to control the team. 

Wolfpack model in dictatorial governments. 

The dictatorial state is like the wolfpack. There is always the alpha member the absolute leader of the gang. The hierarchy in those states is very clear like it's in wolfpacks. Nothing can excuse that hierarchy. 

That absolute hierarchy, where henchmen are below their masters like in wolfpacks pleases some dictators. But that hierarchy is the biggest problem in wolfpacks. If somebody lower in the hierarchy tries to eat before the upper, that causes violent behavior. During the internal fight, wolves are not observing things that happen around them.  

And when wolves are fighting somebody takes advantage of the opportunity and steals the food of the wolfpack. Or something can steal even puppies of the wolves. So the conflict between civilizations can begin in the case that the dictatorial civilization falls into internal conflict. So the outsider actor sees an opportunity and starts the operation. The dictatorial governments are frightening and other civilizations might see those dictatures as threats. 

Game theory and maximizing own benefit. 

The idea of a violent civilization that destroys others is taken from the game theory. The idea is that the beginning of that kind of violent dictatorial civilization is in the dictatorship in one state. In that model, the dictatorial state will take control of the entire planet. 

And then it starts to find outside enemies for keeping citizens busy. So the violent civilization that threats other civilizations is the continuum for the dictatorial state. Outside enemies are always an excuse for dictatorial governments. And the massive police operations are excused by internal enemies or foreign agents. 

But that thing requires weapons and equipment. But the war on worlds requires that there is another civilization. If the dictatorial civilization will lose its all enemies. There are always some revengers. And those weapons developed for war are turning into tools for internal sorting out the gaps. 

So when we are thinking about the situation where some dictatorial state turns to lead the entire planet. That causes, sooner or later, the situation that the empire will crush. There are always territories. That has not so much notice. And the rebellion starts in the areas where social conditions are bad. 


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