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One of the differences between sci-fi- and the real-life robot is that the robot's behavior depends on programming.

The robots like fictional R2D2 from Star Wars movies can act as the model for every home cleaner robot that has also an entertainment center. The system can clean house and also project things like movies to walls or it can have a hologram projector. That hologram system can use dust like smoke or steam as the medium where it can project that 3D film. 

The programming or mission modules of robots are skills that robot has. In the world of robots, every skill that a robot has is a certain module in the program code. The term "ghost protocol" means that there is a computer program in the robot's computer. That existence is not reported to the owners of the machine. 

A certain signal activates the ghost protocol. And that signal can be a certain crucifix that activates some hidden mode in the computer. That kind of signal can be useful if the robot is playing count Dracula. The Dracula robot can order people to open doors by using subliminal commands. 

The armed person can also be that kind of signal when the system sees the person who carries some kind of gun. It can activate the combat model. The fact is that the robots can learn things in seconds if they have an operational module that is ready to use. The thing is that the robot is the platform. 

The robot's skills are determining the skills of robots. The same robot can operate as a cleaner, mason, security officer, military man, surgeon, etc. And those operational modules can download to it in seconds through the internet. So the robot learns new skills in seconds. 

In Sci-fi movies, the robots can be captured by their enemies. And in the Star Wars movies, the robots are yelling in pain. When they are under extortion. The thing is that modern AI can make it possible that the robot can really "cry" if it is handled too roughly. 

This kind of robot can be equipped with an accelerometer, thermal,  and pressure sensor. If the value that those sensors are registering is at a certain level the robot can say "it hurts" or it can yell of pain. Those things are called pseudo emotions. 

And maybe the next-generation toys are equipped with this kind of system. If they face rough treatment, those robots can say. That they are hurt. Maybe, those futuristic intelligent toys are meant for teaching children how to communicate and handle other people. And maybe they are used to select people who are working with children. 

When we think about scenes where robots are raising their hands for surrender we must remember one thing. If that reaction is programmed in the computer's memory the robot will surrender to people. The thing is that the robot can be dangerous anyway. There could be some kind of GPS that detonates the robot in the enemy base. The thing is that the robot will not tell anything that it will not know. 

A thing like a certain gesture from a person like a police officer can make the robot raise its hands. But there is the possibility that robots have ghost protocols that are activated by using certain signals, as I wrote earlier in this text. 

In some other visions, the robot can have subliminal loudspeakers. The shadow protocol means that the robot can do everything that its masters can say. But it can transmit everything that it hears to the observers.


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