The ability to delete single atoms from molecules makes a fundamental advance for many types of chemical- and molecular research. The medical industry can use this thing in the system, where is made complicated molecules.
If another molecule must connect with certain carbon or some certain point in another molecule. That technology makes it possible to connect some other atom or molecule to the contact point for mark and also for keeping that reaction bond free.
The same technology can use in nano-manipulators that are making molecular structures with a certain form. In that system, the molecule that will transfer can connect to a carbon chain that acts as a manipulator by using a glue atom. When that molecule is in the right position the system can delete that glue atom.
The nano-drill can conduct an ultrasound to the right position. Or it can release the sub-machine in the cell.
The nano-drill can be the tool that takes a certain atom group near the target. One version is the nano-drill is the tool that conducts resonance to the precise point. The ultrasound will conduct on that system and then it aims that sound to the right position.
That thing can open blood vessels. But in more conventional versions, nano-drills will just be driven to the ion pump of the cell. And that thing will just hang in that ion pump keeping it open. Or that system releases submachine in the cell. In that case, there can be the hatch that must release in the right position. When the system deletes those atoms the submachine jumps in the cell.
In nanotechnology, the form of an atom group or molecule is important. When we are thinking about things like nano-drills the molecule itself is neutral. But the vertex has a positive or negative electric load. If a nano-drill is used for medical operation the positive electricity drives that system to the ion pump that pulls positive ions or anions in the cell. The problem is how to activate that vertex at the right moment.
One of the versions is that the nano-drill or its vertex is in the protective nano-chamber. And when that nano-drill is in the right position the system deletes the protective chamber. That activates the nano-drill. In the other version, the nanomachine can be like a spring in the fullerene chamber. When that thing is close enough to its target the system deletes the fullerene, and the nanomachine will jump against the cell.
If that thing can activate by using enzymes or the cell membrane will activate that process that makes it possible to make the new type of medicals that are effective against the bacteria or cancer cells. In that case, the fullerene can operate like a nano-size virus.
The fullerene involves the carbon chain. And when that thing will slip into the cell. Then that fullerene will be destroyed. This releases the carbon chain in the cell.
Similar technology can use to transfer new genomes into the cells. The fullerene core protects the DNA or RNA molecule. When that artificial virus is in the cell it releases the genome in that cell. At the front of that molecule can be the DNA cutter enzyme that destroys the DNA from the front of that new DNA.
This thing makes it possible to make complete genome transfer to living species. The first cells can infect with the artificial DNA that makes them create the viruses which DNA (or RNA) is equipped with that enzyme. Then those viruses will replace genomes with new ones. The system can create a way that when the genomes in the cell group have been replaced the system just removes the part of the genome that creates viruses. That thing stabilizes the DNA and a new species is born.
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