Our life is like a narrow corridor. There is a line. And at the sides of that line are rooms. The line or great room between those rooms is the life itself. In that room is the beginning. And the final door is waiting for us. The greatest paradox in life is that the only certain thing in that corridor is the end. The length of that corridor is not described.
So we know only that there is an end. In that corridor, we can only make choices that are allowed by law. If we want to stay free. In the real world, there is no absolute freedom. When somebody takes too much freedom that takes the person to jail.
The beginning of that corridor is the birth. And the door that is opposite to us is the death. The rooms at the sides of that corridor are points where we spend some time in our life. Those rooms are schools, marriage, and other things that are connecting with our life. In every single room is two doors. And when we are stepping into those rooms we will step out from them.
The reason why I say that life is like a corridor is that we ever have free will to make choices. We can select things like high education but it takes something away. But we can select the life of an uneducated person. And that also takes something from our life. There is the possibility that we are easier to hire. But we are also easier to kick out of a job. So the corridor is like the route or line.
When we are finishing elementary school we choose the line. And believe me, there is no perfect choice in our life. When we are stepping into those rooms around that corridor we don't know what is in that room. We know that there is something that affects us. Those rooms can be positive, like education. Or they can be negative, like being in prison.
Being in prison is like the fine ring. It spends time. And the corridor of life has a limit. When a person has been 10 years in prison, there is no way to get those years back. The thing is that life might seem clear, but it's full of surprises. Disappointment can turn into wonderful happiness. The person who has been so-called zero can turn to somebody.
There is a possibility that the person who ever spoke with anybody invented the new natural law. Or the nerd from the back seat invents the new type of artificial intelligence. Or person who ever learns to program writes some philosophical bestseller and becomes a new literature version of Andy Warhol the cult person whose autograph queued. And whose ideas are repeated time after time? Those things might feel great. Or that's what I think.
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