Albert Einstein introduced the idea of curvature spacetime. But he was not the first one who worked with this problem. The curvature of layers introduced Henri Poincaré and Einstein conducted his idea of that famous theory of the same layer that gravitation curves from Poincaré theories.
The idea of the curvature of spacetime means that all particles are in the pothole of gravitation. The curvature of spacetime causes one thing. Finally, those two objects are losing each other from their sight. The requirement for the visibility between two objects is that both objects are at the same side of the layer called the event horizon.
In image 2 The objects (1) are on both sides of the "knee". The "knee" (2) is forming the event horizon. The objects are visible to each other if the information line (red) is higher than the "knee". So the red line must not go through the knee that the objects are visible.
In image 2 two images illustrate the event horizon. In those images, the gravitational pothole is like a funnel. And if the objects are in a certain line they can observe each other. But if another one is too deep the line between the objects will go too low. And the curving point or threshold of the gravitational funnel comes between those objects. That threshold is the event horizon.
If that thing is completely between those objects they cannot see each other. And the thing that determines the distance where those objects can see each other is the depth of the gravitational pothole. And if another object will go too close to the edge of that gravitational pothole it drops in it.
So the spacetime near black holes is extremely strongly curved. And if we are thinking about the shape of the wormhole the gravitational funnel will cause that energy around it will start to affect that wormhole. The gravitational funnel will act like a laser. The material that this powerful structure pulls inside keeps it in its form.
The hypothetical wormhole is like a laser ray across the universe.
The particles and wave motion that are in extremely high energy levels keep that channel open. And the outcoming radiation pumps more energy into them. The wormhole acts like a laser ray and the stimulated emission of radiation is making that thing stable and very powerful.
All black holes are surrounded by the material or transition disk. The transition disk will transfer energy to a black hole. But if the energy transfer to that transition disk ends the energy starts to travel out from the black hole. Just like in all other balls the fast spin or rotation speed pumps energy out from the center of the black hole. That energy is seen as gravitational waves. The gravitational waves mark that a black hole interacts with its environment.
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