Friday, June 24, 2022

The artificial language of AI is interesting.

The operator can use a pocket interpreter to command computers and robots. That translator can translate the spoken language to a synthetic language like Esperanto or Volapük. 

Those languages can use to command robots. The problem is how the robot can separate commands that are meant for it from other speech. And synthetic languages can offer a solution to those kinds of problems. 

When the robot is operating in a noisy shopping center.  And it should follow the voice commands. The problem is that there is a lot of speech in that area. The robot should separate the commands meant for it from other discussions. And one version of how to make that thing is to use Esperanto or Volapük as command language. People are not using those synthetic languages for everyday communication. And that makes them perfect for commanding robots. 

The system would be easy to separate commands from other speech. If the operator gives commands to it using Esperanto. The operator can give commands by using a regular translation tool. In the pocket interpreting machine will just increase the Esperanto or Volapük. And the operator can use the pocket interpreter for commanding robots. 

And that is why researchers are interested in synthetic languages like Esperanto. Synthetic languages are easier to use for commanding things, like robots in public places than so-called natural languages. The computer is easier to separate commands that are meant to it from the other speech if they are given by using Esperanto or Volapük than using English or some other language. 

AI has developed a new spoken language. The new synthetic language is different than any other spoken language. This kind of language can use in the communication between robots. But when humans are interacting with humans. There is needed some kind of language that's easy for the speaker. The robot can speak English. But when the commander gives commands the robot must separate those commands from other speech. And one version is to use some synthetic languages.  

In history, there were two synthetic languages that language specialists developed seriously. Those languages were Esperanto and Volapük. Those famous languages were synthetic that had nothing to do with the cultural environment where natural languages are born. If the commands to computers are given using Esperanto it's easier to separate commands from other speech-like discussions of the workers. 

But why the synthetic languages needed in computing? The fact is that if we want to give commands to computers by using speech. The computer must separate the commands. That meant to it from other speech. And that's why synthetic languages are better than spoken languages. 

The fact is that programming languages are all synthetic. Famous programming languages C, C++, Java, and Python are also languages. They are used for making programs. Those languages are "quite easy" to write. But they are hard to speak because they involve symbols that are not letters or numerals. 

Those programming languages are fast and easy to write, but the problem is that they are different than spoken languages. Programmers must learn the new grammar and that thing takes time. The researchers make lots of work to create the programming and commanding languages that are easy to learn. 

When researchers are developing commanding languages for robots they must realize. That person who is giving commands might have bad argumentation. Or they might have some kind of speech defect. That kind of thing must be noticed when the voice commands are given to robots or computers. 

The thing is that the computers can calibrate the system and customize it for every single user separately. In that kind of technology, the person who gives commands to robots would first command virtual characters on the screen. When the character makes something it might ask, "was this OK"?  

If the character made the right things. The user must just accept the operation. And it will be driven to the robots. In that case, the robot will use macros to make things. That its controllers want.

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