Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Natural nanotechnology

The water droplets are hovering above the leaf of the vegetables because of the small-size hair. That hair is making it possible that water droplets will not close the air channels of the leaves. And that makes it possible that the vegetables can change gasses. Also when it's a rainy day. 

But similar hair or small wires can use another way. Small silicon droplets can be covered by using that kind of hair. That makes it possible that those silicon droplets are hovering above the layer. The microchip-controlled silicon droplets can be the form of the next generation of soft-core miniature robots. Those robots can hover above the water layer by using that nano-hair. 

The polar property of water molecules can make it possible to hover nanomachines above the water layer in which molecules are turned to the same position. 

There is the possibility that the next-generation nanomachines are using one quantum property of the water. The water molecule is polar. And if the same poles of water molecules can turn against each other. That thing will push the small machine above the water layer.

Magnets can put water molecules in the same direction. If the plus poles of the molecules are up. The nanomachine can hover by turning puls poles to the water layer. And those extremely small robots can benefit Earth's magnetic field for movement. They can move by following the magnetic power lines of Earth. Like plasma ball moves. 

If there is a compass stylus type molecule that has plus and minus poles that molecule can use to make those nanomachines flow above the water molecules that are in the same direction. The opposite pole of the stylus will pull and the same pole will push the nanomachine in the wanted direction.

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