Tuesday, June 14, 2022

A thing about Leif Erikson's "Vinland".

Image 1) Statue of Leif Erikson in Leif Erikson Park, Duluth, Minnesota (Wikipedia, Leif Erikson) 

When a Viking named Leif Erikson (c. 970 – c. 1019 to 1025) escaped his enemies from Iceland and Greenland to Nova Scotia that person was the first (almost certainly) confirmed European, who laid his feet in America. There is the possibility that some Fonikians or Egyptians had some kind of relationship with American Indians. 

And the thing that supports that theory is a similarity between Maya or Mesoamerican pyramids and Pharaoh Djoser's pyramid. There is the possibility that the similarities between those step pyramids are a coincidence. 

Image 2A Pyramid of Djoser (Wikipedia/Pyramid of Djoser)

Image 2B El Castillo, Chichen Itza (Wikipedia/Mesoamerican pyramids)

But when we are thinking about the name "Vinland" which means "The land of wine" we must realize a couple of things. There is a possibility that this name was symbolic, and Vikings didn't drink wine in that land. 

That name could mean the place, where those Vikings could take a rest and feel safe. Or there is another possibility. There is the possibility that the Vinland is the place where rock is red. Or maybe the trees were red. There is a tree called Blood maple. The leaves of that tree are red. So was there where Leif Erikson visited the forest of Blood maples? That thing could explain why people are not found Leif Erikson'w wine source. America is an interesting thing. 

Image 3)

Posthumous portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus's. (Wikipedia, Cristopher Columbus)

The reason why people are interested in the explorers of that land. Is there the possibility that there is lost treasure on some islands? There is a possibility that some pirates like Klaus Störtebecker (1360 – supposed 20 October 1401) buried their treasures on the coast of North America before Columbus. Sometimes I have thought that could Christopher Columbus ( born between 25 August and 31 October 1451, died 20 May 1506), be the grandson of Klaus Störtetebecker the German pirate who lived 50 years before Columbus. 

So did Columbus follow some guide when he went on his famous exploration of America? There is one interesting detail in the Christopher Columbus biography. The date of the born is not marked very accurately. And that thing causes the question of why there is that error? The place of his birth is believed to be Geneva. But there are introduced many other places like Corsica. 

Image 4) "Columbus map", drawn c. 1490 in the Lisbon mapmaking workshop of Bartolomeo and Christopher Columbus (Wikipedia/Christopher Columbus)

The memories of Cristopher Columbus wrote his son Fernando Colón or Ferdinand Columbus (c. 24 August 1488 – 12 July 1539). 

There are two versions of the name of that person Fernando Colón and Ferdinand Columbus. So which mane does that person use in everyday life? Did Ferdinand Columbus use the name Fernando Colón as a pseudonym, when he published memories of his father? 

The question is, why did Fernando Colón have a different name than his father? Of course, Fernando Colón could be some local version of Columbus. But the question of the memories of Cristopher Columbus is did Fernando Colón interview his father? Or did he read his father's diaries after his death? 

In the wildest versions of his ethnic background, Columbus has been claimed to be American Indian or Jew. The reason why his family moved from Genove to Spain is unknown. The biography of that man was written after his death by his son. And many things are not true. Sometimes is claimed that Columbus was a fundamental Christian who wanted to release Jerusalem from the hands of Muslims. 

The fact is that Columbus was not the only person in Europe in the 15th. century who spoke things like that. In his biography mentioned that there were some non-true adventures. But the question was did Columbus tell those stories himself or did his son invent those things himself? 








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