Star quakes are like tsunamis. The reason for those things is changing energy levels in stars. Because the entire stars are not turning brighter. That means the origin of energy load is like a point. If the expansion of the star tsunami would begin on one side and quite a large area the explanation could be the supernova explosion. The thing is that the beginning of the tsunami should be on the same side as the supernova explosion.
Sometimes the reason for star quakes is introduced by the neutron star. But the beginning point of that energy load and star tsunami must be at the same side as the neutron star that the energy from neutron stars could explain why the energy level at a certain point of the star rises and causes the tsunami.
Those changes are caused because something affects the nucleus of the stars. The starquakes are short-period changes in the energy production and they must not connect with Cepheids whose energy production is also changing and that causes the size of the stars is changing which makes the star pulsate.
All stars are pulsating a little bit. The nuclear fusion inside the star is pushing the star's outer core away from the nucleus. That decreases pressure in the star's nucleus.
And that expansion decreases the power of nuclear fusion. This thing decreases the radiation pressure. And the outer core of the star is dropping back. That increases the pressure in the star. And the power of the fusion increases. And the star starts to expand.
Image: ScitechDaily/Starquakes! Gaia Spacecraft Sees Strange Stars in Most Detailed Milky Way Survey to Date
In Cepheid stars, the hydrogen ends soon. Or the main nuclear power comes from helium fusion. And that thing causes the helium fusion keeps those stars in form. Helium fusion requires more energy than hydrogen fusion. That thing causes the brakes of the fusion to be easier to see than in a "normal star".
The period of Cephei-stars is 1-100 days. In the case of Cepheids, the entire star swells. The stellar tsunami has only a local effect on the star. And the star or- stellar quake means that there is a wave that travels across the star. So, some theories claim that the X- or gamma-ray radiation pike from black holes hits the star.
In the star quake, the energy that causes those tsunamis is coming deeper. And that thing means that the source of those stellar quakes is near the nucleus of the stars.
There is one thing that makes stellar tsunamis interesting. And that is that increasing the energy of the plasma takes only a couple of minutes. Inside the star is intense heat and the infrared radiation is extremely strong. That means the plasma and wave motion are very thick and that causes an idea that there is the possibility that dark energy can interact with the intensive quantum fields that are formed by infrared radiation.
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